I just f***ed up loading my last inn save….probably lost like 6-10 hours of progress
yeah I think ima take a break
new update looks and runs great on XSX, the upcoming frame rate patch will seal it as GOTY
not solid 60 but around 10 more frames per second than launch and with motion blur off it is clean
I just f***ed up loading my last inn save….probably lost like 6-10 hours of progress
yeah I think ima take a break
that’s so ballsy to play for 6 hours without resting at an inn or your house
soooo the game ended and i started the secret ending not realizing i just f***ed my s***
i never did the Magic Archer vocation quest lmao therefore i never did the Warfarer vocation either
looks like im running a NG+ after i beat the postgame "true ending" haha
btw both this game and Elden Ring are 10/10s
i was salty at first because i was told that Battahl and the Volcanic areas were empty and fast but they really werent
also the update with motion blur off / extra frames from RT off really helped out how i feel
i still think there couldve been another 3-4 types of minor monsters/enemies and 1-2 more larger monster types but its gucci
btw both this game and Elden Ring are 10/10s
i was salty at first because i was told that Battahl and the Volcanic areas were empty and fast but they really werent
also the update with motion blur off / extra frames from RT off really helped out how i feel
i still think there couldve been another 3-4 types of minor monsters/enemies and 1-2 more larger monster types but its gucci
agree completely. I was worried about battahl until I actually explored it. There’s a lotta cap going around for no reason.
Some dlc with new monsters would be peak or a big expansion like elden ring is getting
agree completely. I was worried about battahl until I actually explored it. There’s a lotta cap going around for no reason.
Some dlc with new monsters would be peak or a big expansion like elden ring is getting
im glad we on the same page
this game, BG3 and Elden Ring are peak fantasy RPG, Diablo 4 was close, the S4 update should fix a lot for most people and i hope Avowed's showing in June makes the list too and then Fable after that and one day TES6 lol fantasy RPGs stay winning
im glad we on the same page
this game, BG3 and Elden Ring are peak fantasy RPG, Diablo 4 was close, the S4 update should fix a lot for most people and i hope Avowed's showing in June makes the list too and then Fable after that and one day TES6 lol fantasy RPGs stay winning
Lmao I was about to type up a similar post elden ring, bg3 and dd2 feel like a new golden age almost.
I’m also really hopeful for avowed, I love obsidian (new vegas and kotor2 are some of my fav rpgs) so it would be awesome to seem them take a W.
Lmao I was about to type up a similar post elden ring, bg3 and dd2 feel like a new golden age almost.
I’m also really hopeful for avowed, I love obsidian (new vegas and kotor2 are some of my fav rpgs) so it would be awesome to seem them take a W.
have u tried Grounded? that is imo the best game from Xbox so far this gen and has Obsidian's style all over it
have u tried Grounded? that is imo the best game from Xbox so far this gen and has Obsidian's style all over it
I haven’t, I don’t have many gamer friends and it always seemed like a game you need a group to play with. Is it viable as a single player game?
I haven’t, I don’t have many gamer friends and it always seemed like a game you need a group to play with. Is it viable as a single player game?
i solo'd it and then played it with a squad
the survival and the combat part of the experience was easier in a squad tho, and more fun tbh
The pawn badges are cool in concept but by the time you get one unlocked you’re already OP it doesn’t matter if your pawn has a special enemy badge
this game is amazing
My ex bought it for me....I think I love her?!
U gon get back with her ?
Or is she trynna buy your heart
U gon get back with her ?
Or is she trynna buy your heart
I want her back but she got a BF atm but like....fuck that nigga
she been showing me signs for a minute though. She call me damn near everyday lmao.
I'ma just let her end that relationship naturally I aint in no rush
I want her back but she got a BF atm but like....fuck that nigga
she been showing me signs for a minute though. She call me damn near everyday lmao.
I'ma just let her end that relationship naturally I aint in no rush
Real for waiting
Hopefully the success of the game spurs Capcom to throw some real money at them for expansions/DLC, I’ll probably wait til then to jump in.
Hopefully the success of the game spurs Capcom to throw some real money at them for expansions/DLC, I’ll probably wait til then to jump in.
A certainty, there’s tons of dead ends waiting to be explored and Dark Arisen was the main sales driving force.
not sure where this game ranks this decade but it’s really high, somewhere in the top 5 with tlou2, aw2, elden ring and bg3
not sure where this game ranks this decade but it’s really high, somewhere in the top 5 with tlou2, aw2, elden ring and bg3
Behind all of those.
The gameplay is dope but the presentation is PS3 era
I like the game but the combat and graphics are it's biggest strengths and then after that everything else is pretty below average of were being real.
Still playing it though, because the combat is really fun
Behind all of those.
The gameplay is dope but the presentation is PS3 era
I like the game but the combat and graphics are it's biggest strengths and then after that everything else is pretty below average of were being real.
Still playing it though, because the combat is really fun
I mean this is primarily an action game with some light rpg elements, the combat is like the most important part. It’s like saying oh well mario 64 isn’t great at much besides the platforming.
Besides that, exploring the dungeons, solving riddles, figuring out how to complete quests are all well done too. and the soundtrack is great. I don’t really have many issues yet.
I mean this is primarily an action game with some light rpg elements, the combat is like the most important part. It’s like saying oh well mario 64 isn’t great at much besides the platforming.
Besides that, exploring the dungeons, solving riddles, figuring out how to complete quests are all well done too. and the soundtrack is great. I don’t really have many issues yet.
If Mario 64 offered side content that wasn't good or presented itself s***tily for the era I'd also criticize that.
The game nailed the combat because it had to, its an action game and would be dogshit if it didn't nail combat.
But because it nails it's main objective doesn't shelter it from any criticism. If it was a perfect game it'd be recognized as that. It's only a good game, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Behind all of those.
The gameplay is dope but the presentation is PS3 era
I like the game but the combat and graphics are it's biggest strengths and then after that everything else is pretty below average of were being real.
Still playing it though, because the combat is really fun
Ehh to summarily dismiss it as being behind all those is ridiculous. Each of these games excel spectacularly at different things. They overlap in places so you can directly compare but none of these would fit as a direct 1:1 comparison to DD. Combat mechanics, and I’d even say more broadly overall gameplay mechanic it might be in a league of its own. Even with me feeling like that, they’re things they could absolutely improve on.