If Mario 64 offered side content that wasn't good or presented itself s***tily for the era I'd also criticize that.
The game nailed the combat because it had to, its an action game and would be dogshit if it didn't nail combat.
But because it nails it's main objective doesn't shelter it from any criticism. If it was a perfect game it'd be recognized as that. It's only a good game, and there's nothing wrong with that.
No game is perfect, though, but this game might be one of the best rpgs I’ve played. I haven’t run into anything I haven’t enjoyed, yet, but I’m still making my way through the game so I’ll hold off making a certain judgment until I’ve fully explored this world.
I wasn’t able to save Gregor in til death to us part god damnit I tried my best
Dullahan probably the toughest enemy I’ve faced
I’m bout to farm some Minotaurs for the badge, lemme know your pawn ID if your pawn needs it too. PS5.
Dragons Dogma 2
Elden Ring
Baldurs Gate 3
the pinnacle of single player/offline fantasy RPGs even tho they have online elements, they arent Diablo 4 or WoW
also are DD2 and Elden Ring considered western RPGs even tho they are made by Japanese devs? they definitely arent JRPGs haha
75 hours in and I just unlocked warfarer class wish I got this earlier holy s*** this is peak
75 hours in and I just unlocked warfarer class wish I got this earlier holy s*** this is peak
That and magick archer not being unlocked in the elf city is legit baffling
That and magick archer not being unlocked in the elf city is legit baffling
yeah they should’ve given you magic archer at the elf city and then put the maister skill at the end of the game since that basically breaks every boss fight
and then warfarer needed to be after you get trickster and mystic spearhand, so the elf city would be too early
just beat the TRUE ending that u unlock during the credits for the first ending
feels like good closure, i'm glad to say that this has gotta be the best action RPG out on the market right now
Elden Ring is too tough for casuals
Baldurs Gate 3 is a CRPG for nerds
this game is like Skyrim in how it can go relatively deep but the basics of the game and overall difficulty seem perfect for people who suck at gaming
btw if anyone is trying to get the perfect Medusa head, I kept getting the normal one, and the guides online aren’t really helpful, it was taking too long/doing too much damage
this strategy is super simple:
1. Go warfarer, get a big greatsword and a magic bow
2. Equip the sleepy arrow skill and hit Medusa with it a few times til she sleep
3. Switch to greatsword and use the charge attack on her neck, one attack should chop her head off
yeah they should’ve given you magic archer at the elf city and then put the maister skill at the end of the game since that basically breaks every boss fight
and then warfarer needed to be after you get trickster and mystic spearhand, so the elf city would be too early
Oh yeah I didn’t mean warfarer should be available in the elf city, just I was agreeing with what you said about warfarer, and also MA shoulda been in the elf city
Oh yeah I didn’t mean warfarer should be available in the elf city, just I was agreeing with what you said about warfarer, and also MA shoulda been in the elf city
Oops yeah misunderstood you
Magic archer being at the volcanic island is cruel too because a lot of people seem to be missing it
The game seems so good, but the framerate is ruining the game for me. This whole gen most games have had 60fps performance modes, I think I'm too spoiled to play this game in 30fps. Might have to wait for PS5 pro to play this one.
oh my god that title drop
I was wondering why it never said dragon’s dogma 2 this whole time
The game seems so good, but the framerate is ruining the game for me. This whole gen most games have had 60fps performance modes, I think I'm too spoiled to play this game in 30fps. Might have to wait for PS5 pro to play this one.
Not even the Pro will run this game at 60fps since its a CPU bottleneck instead of GPU and the Pro's CPU will be the same. They'll need to do some major optimization
Not even the Pro will run this game at 60fps since its a CPU bottleneck instead of GPU and the Pro's CPU will be the same. They'll need to do some major optimization
I'm sure they'll optimize and add a performance mode (maybe downgrade to 1440p / no ray tracing) to hit a steady 60fps on PS5 pro
I'm sure they'll optimize and add a performance mode (maybe downgrade to 1440p / no ray tracing) to hit a steady 60fps on PS5 pro
!https://youtu.be/O2OLQOB9zZUHopefully bro, game seems fire
dude the cutscene during the when wills collide quest is the most metal s*** I’ve ever seen in an rpg