every artist is experimental to some level, y’all overthink the word experimental, the same way y’all overthink the word pop
there are artists that make experimental music, music for the sake of experimenting
for some of y’all changing styles like from dust rap to trap is experimenting or changing genres and i mean it is experimenting, just depends on how u see it
drake doesnt get any credit for experimenting because when he does, that s*** goes straight #1
like if kanye or frank decided to use nola bounce to make their singles, yall wouldve called them creative geniuses expanding into other genres but it's silent for drake lol
Referring to Nice For What?
That was different for him and actually worked out.
One of his best songs.
Referring to Nice For What?
That was different for him and actually worked out.
One of his best songs.
Nice for What
Made me believe that Shkorpeen was going be his best s***.
Referring to Nice For What?
That was different for him and actually worked out.
One of his best songs.
And In My Feelings too
Drake did something completely new for him but its brushed aside as if be didnt experiment on those because these tracks blew the f*** up lol
And In My Feelings too
Drake did something completely new for him but its brushed aside as if be didnt experiment on those because these tracks blew the f*** up lol
I didn't like In My Feelings much.
I think what made Nice For what so good was the sample and the songs subject matter.
Easily top 3 Drake imo. Song of 2018 too.
Nice for What
Made me believe that Shkorpeen was going be his best s***.
S*** blew me away the first time I heard it.
Take Care was just a progression of the style he established prior to that.
When people say "Drake isn't experimental", they mean changes as drastic as Blue Slide Park to Watching Movies, or Graduation to 808s to MBDTF to Yeezus, etc.
comeback season to so far gone tho
I love drake
at the end of the day. everybody does
"Nola bounce aint that farfetched of a sound for Drake"
actually come to think of it drake experiments a lot songs like In my feelings,hotline bling, controlla show so much of his range as an artist to jump from carribean dance hall music to Nola bounce is almost unfathomable.lol
I didn't like In My Feelings much.
I think what made Nice For what so good was the sample and the songs subject matter.
Easily top 3 Drake imo. Song of 2018 too.
Yeah it was really dope. One of the few songs where Drake is completely deprived of ego. Not my fav song of 2018 but one of my fav singles for sure. It was just refreshing to see him getting his head out of his ass for a moment and speaking about other people's experience.
Been on the fence with Drake ever since I realized that he's mainly braggadocious rap and subliminal diss rap with an occasional simp edge many years ago.
I don’t hate Drake but it’s no longer experimental when you run that same experiment into the ground
Yeah it was really dope. One of the few songs where Drake is completely deprived of ego. Not my fav song of 2018 but one of my fav singles for sure. It was just refreshing to see him getting his head out of his ass for a moment and speaking about other people's experience.
Been on the fence with Drake ever since I realized that he's mainly braggadocious rap and subliminal diss rap with an occasional simp edge many years ago.
He mostly sucks but he has his moments.
at the end of the day. everybody does
This is why Drake stans are weird to me
You never see stans of any other artist forcing the idea that "EVERYBODY in the world" likes them
Kanye and Kendrick stans for example can accept that some people just can't get into them and that's fine.
This is why Drake stans are weird to me
You never see stans of any other artist forcing the idea that "EVERYBODY in the world" likes them
Kanye and Kendrick stans for example can accept that some people just can't get into them and that's fine.
grouping stans as a collective identity is weird behavior in general goo
grouping stans as a collective identity is weird behavior in general goo
Nah y’all are trash. Mindset of Kpop twitter stans but y’all are grown man. Complete cancer to the site and society as a whole
Nah y’all are trash. Mindset of Kpop twitter stans but y’all are grown man. Complete cancer to the site and society as a whole
cringe post tbh 😜
He mostly sucks but he has his moments.
Just think that his personality is dull. Like even when I peep his interviews I never find myself interested in his thought process and ideas.
Like yeah he has charisma and star quality and is good at writing catchy phrases but just lacks in depth.
Just think that his personality is dull. Like even when I peep his interviews I never find myself interested in his thought process and ideas.
Like yeah he has charisma and star quality and is good at writing catchy phrases but just lacks in depth.
Only interview I've seen is the barbershop one.