Love that he’s trying to inspire guys to rap again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do the things that he’s doing right now. I truly cannot explain where any of this is coming from, it’s just such a dramatic shift from what we’ve typically seen from the guy. I really appreciate what he’s doing for hiphop right now. Very cool stuff
Love that he’s trying to inspire guys to rap again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do the things that he’s doing right now. I truly cannot explain where any of this is coming from, it’s just such a dramatic shift from what we’ve typically seen from the guy. I really appreciate what he’s doing for hiphop right now. Very cool stuff
There's not a single message from you on this god forsaken website that didn't give me the impression that you're not totally braindead. How do you do this ?
Love that he’s trying to inspire guys to rap again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do the things that he’s doing right now. I truly cannot explain where any of this is coming from, it’s just such a dramatic shift from what we’ve typically seen from the guy. I really appreciate what he’s doing for hiphop right now. Very cool stuff
you gave it away with the "i truly cannot explain"
Love that he’s trying to inspire guys to rap again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do the things that he’s doing right now. I truly cannot explain where any of this is coming from, it’s just such a dramatic shift from what we’ve typically seen from the guy. I really appreciate what he’s doing for hiphop right now. Very cool stuff
Love that he’s trying to inspire guys to rap again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do the things that he’s doing right now. I truly cannot explain where any of this is coming from, it’s just such a dramatic shift from what we’ve typically seen from the guy. I really appreciate what he’s doing for hiphop right now. Very cool stuff
Would love the instrumentals for all his projects
Feel No Ways instrumental bumping in the whip
He giving Kanye some beats to rap on
Scary Hours 4 (feat. Ye) soon please
One could only wish
Do you think he's going to share some of the fan remixes on his Instagram story?
Need the real instrumental, not just an audio stem turned down lol
Feel No Ways instrumental bumping in the whip
U With Me, Redemption, Fire & Desire
Also they need to release the soundtrack of the Remember Me Toronto video
there's no way the drake fans on this site are real people
Lol what part of what I said seems unreal to you?
It’s time for me to get noticed by Drizzy and sign to OVO
When he hears me dissing Pusha
There's not a single message from you on this god forsaken website that didn't give me the impression that you're not totally braindead. How do you do this ?
Lmao Drake says he’s going to release his boom bap instrumentals to his new songs and says “I wanna hear who’s barring up” and my response to that is “wow, this is guy is trying to resurrect the spirit of rhyming again” and IM the brain dead one? Lmao you’re a moron. It’s very clear that he’s trying to encourage people to RAP again, you know, what the genre used to be centered on, but idk if you recall that because every time you respond to me you give hints that you’re like 18 years old
I expect vocaroos itt
Time for a KTT2 album.
Saying he “doesn’t need a deluxe” on Her Loss and then throws out a deluxe with instrumentals.
Saying he “doesn’t need a deluxe” on Her Loss and then throws out a deluxe with instrumentals.
i hate how it got tacked on to the end of FATD he should let it be its own thing