snippet at end, lil d***y part only
Want him to do serious roles in serious films
I don't see him calling Atlanta important when d***y flamed out years ago
smh, Atlanta characters are fan of Drake, metioning him in an episode, if anything Glover is the jealous one - check "Feels like Summer"
y’all getting worked up over this like every rapper hasn’t appeared on dave lol
how many rappers starred on atlanta? like migos once and that was it lol
It’s actually interesting how he completely abandoned acting after DeGressi
Wow he should really consider taking up acting, I could see him in some kind of drama set in Canada with a wide variety of characters
He chose to appear in this, but NOT Atlanta?
yeah the decision making lately....
unless there was a real problem with Donald Glover we aint know about
yeah the decision making lately....
unless there was a real problem with Donald Glover we aint know about
Well "This is America" was originally a Drake diss...
@OldAssNigga @localblaccmane @RedEyeJedi @AKFresh I told you Dave is better than Atlanta bruh
Donald Glover, the corniest man alive, hates Drake
He chose to appear in this, but NOT Atlanta?
That drake altanta episode works better without him tbh tho makes it funnier
Donald Glover been an undercover hater of Drakes for years...
Atlanta is a genius all-time great show tho
He def used to be in his rapper era but I doubt he cares anymore
spoiled it for me ep not even out yet on hulu
As if you were gonna watch it anyways
I hate that the full story is hid behind a subscription. thats dope flex for Lil D***y nonetheless.
Any Tv show that is made now is on a streaming service that you gotta subscribe to Lmao
yeah the decision making lately....
unless there was a real problem with Donald Glover we aint know about
yall stay tryna make drake beef wit everybody lmaoo he literally posted on his ig laughing at the atlanta episode and ended up using the clip on his album.
Donald Glover been an undercover hater of Drakes for years...
Atlanta is a genius all-time great show tho
how everyone a hater of Drake? he's a fan
Drake fans bout to binge every episode now knowing damn well they weren’t watching this s*** before