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  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Why are drake stans so insecure about travs success

  • Sep 27, 2020

    This thread would’ve been locked 14 hours ago if it involved other artists

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Man, shut up. You people stay bringing up the Drake features that weren't monster hits without realizing that all you're doing is highlighting the insane level of consistency he has as a hitmaker. 7/10 Drake songs are a hit. Nobody else in MUSIC bats that high.

    Future's biggest hit is with Drake.
    Meek Mill's biggest hit is with Drake.
    Travis' biggest hit is with Drake.
    A$AP Rocky/2 Chainz's biggest hit is with Drake. He gave Lil Baby his first real hit record. Gave BlocBoy JB a monster smash hit. I could go on and on.

    That man gives several people hits every single year and you idiots will bring up the 1 or 2 cases where he collabed with someone and it wasn't a monster smash. Just quit it.

    I've already said I don't agree that Drake gave Travis his career but that SICKO MODE was only as big as it was BECAUSE of Drake and due to how big of a song it became, it boosted Travis' popularity. I'm not debating over this with you anymore.

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    drake didn't "make" his career lmfao

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Astroworld was way more popular than Scorpian

    Also just the cactus jack Jordan’s alone are way more popular than any ovo jordan

  • Sep 27, 2020
    3 replies

    Trav>Drake irl influence
    I dont see kiddos rocking any drake, i mean who tf even quotes drake except basic ass ppl or just normies

    Whens the last time i heard drake his name in an actual convo about hip hop today lmao or even his music being played without radio but by the ppl lmao

    This nigga think cause Travis Scott when viral for his collab with MCDONALDS and FORTNITE he got more influence than Drake

  • Sep 27, 2020

    drake fan too btw

  • Sep 27, 2020

    drake did make his most successful song tho yea

  • Sep 27, 2020

    drake made the cactus jack burger possible

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Travis only did 500K with ASTROWORLD because of bundles. Almost half of the numbers ASTROWORLD pulled were because of bundles. What kept that album afloat streaming-wise after it's debut week was SICKO MODE. All these things are easily verifiable, lmao.

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Why are drake stans so insecure about travs success

    its pretty weird

  • Sep 27, 2020

    you can’t say a nigga made someone’s career then also say “he was big before” lmao

    like goosebumps is a huge hit record. and he had big mainstream hits before this.

    sicko mode is one of drakes biggest records too, it’s a monumental song. it’s corny to try to frame it like this is when drake works with a small artist on their first record ever lol.

    part of sicko mode works so well is the context of the album, the left of center approach to the song structure, and the back and forth of it. like ask yourself what separates sicko mode from look alive?

    it’s everything that happens before the tay keith beat kicks in. drake is on parts of the song but the song is not entirely his doing clearly lol.

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    popular how? Did it sell more than scorpion? Did it have bigger hits?

    Scorpion had the bigger hits for sure no denying that. However Gods Plan and NFW was before Pusha and IMF was huge thanks to a meme/challenge. However for the rest of Scorpion no one talks about the album cuts like in the past outside of Drake stans.

  • Sep 27, 2020

    one poster has been itt for HOURS typing paragraphs bro please log off

  • Sep 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Astroworld was way more popular than Scorpian

    Also just the cactus jack Jordan’s alone are way more popular than any ovo jordan

    You know you f***ed up right ?
    Astroworld 3x platinum
    Scorpion 5x platinum
    Scorpion first week sales 732000
    Astroworld 537000
    So in what way was it more popular ? Or you just saying it’s seemed more popular ?

  • CLBRizzy

    This nigga think cause Travis Scott when viral for his collab with MCDONALDS and FORTNITE he got more influence than Drake

    Like u havent seen astro tees around?
    Like ppl really ain't looking up to trav these days with his fashion(even tho its meh) his shoe deals sell out fast as hell

    Hes a superstar and ppl irl folllow him,im not even his biggest fan
    But when 7/10 teens round here pass round bumping trav or wear his s*** and we aint even the USA,then u know it

    Ppl dont even admit to listenin to drake,old drake yes
    Not pop drake

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    This nigga think cause Travis Scott when viral for his collab with MCDONALDS and FORTNITE he got more influence than Drake

    what influence does drake have irl i'm genuinely curious

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Trav>Drake irl influence
    I dont see kiddos rocking any drake, i mean who tf even quotes drake except basic ass ppl or just normies

    Whens the last time i heard drake his name in an actual convo about hip hop today lmao or even his music being played without radio but by the ppl lmao

    Need this to be the next copypasta

  • Sep 27, 2020

    You know you f***ed up right ?
    Astroworld 3x platinum
    Scorpion 5x platinum
    Scorpion first week sales 732000
    Astroworld 537000
    So in what way was it more popular ? Or you just saying it’s seemed more popular ?

    It’s gonna have the bigger streaming numbers because of the success of the 3 hit singles

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    This nigga think cause Travis Scott when viral for his collab with MCDONALDS and FORTNITE he got more influence than Drake

    Let them tell Travis to drop anything without trying to push merch and bundles. The man can't, lmao. His new song is already underperforming on streaming and it's been out for less than 3 days. He's now desperately pushing more digital singles so his numbers can be boosted and he can score a solid debut but because there's nothing organic about his numbers, especially recently, the song will drop hard in it's second week, just like his last few singles have done. You really can't make this s*** up.

  • Sep 27, 2020

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    what influence does drake have irl i'm genuinely curious

    Daystar out now .

  • Sep 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Daystar out now .

    on the people nigga

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