Hop on 85, drive right past A&M (Past A&M)
It's rainin' in Houston, we're not arguing again
That road doesn't exist in Houston
I need his ability to memorize lyrics
Im just saying if Drake dropped Marvin’s Room today you all would call it boring
lol big facts
these lads just hating...
I miss 40
Can’t stop listening to
Small Town Fame
Moth Balls
Gimme a Hug
Fell off after first listen
Something About You
Brian Steel
Raining In Houston
SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.
Did she.. did she purposefully fall over at the end?
Man I expected more songs like When He’s Gone and CN Tower tbh. I wish this was a pure collab album
Don’t know how accurate but this is a pretty big account, looking like 28.9M in second full day. 3rd biggest of 2025