  • TheFader

    SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.

    spiderman superman is close but i think it's gotta be nokia. insane international potential

  • TheFader

    SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.

    Straight heat 🔥🔥

  • Nix

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    Drake staying out of the U.S. is hilarious

    Not like it’s the only country in this world


    Dam Pac was a theatre kid

  • Tubig 🌊
    Feb 16
    1 reply

    Hop on 85, drive right past A&M (Past A&M)
    It's rainin' in Houston, we're not arguing again

    That road doesn't exist in Houston

    It doesn’t go through college station either

    85 is south of San Antonio lmao closer to the border

  • Feb 16
    1 reply


    Don't care where that p**** play... $$$


    Not like it’s the only country in this world

    Revelations itt

  • Feb 16
    2 replies
    provider 4 u

    Don't care where that p**** play... $$$

  • TheFader

    SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.

    10/10 song

  • Nix

    Hop on 85, drive right past A&M (Past A&M)
    It's rainin' in Houston, we're not arguing again

    That road doesn't exist in Houston

    Nix we letting that slide sis

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    I got drinks, jokes, sex, and cash
    Those are four things I can guarantee, my love, ayy

  • Feb 16

    All of these songs are 4 uuuuuu

    Sexy songs 4 UuUUuUUUUUUUuuUu

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 16

    I got drinks, jokes, sex, and cash
    Those are four things I can guarantee, my love, ayy

    i think this like literally summarizes this nigga as an artist almost shed a tear when this dropped

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 16

    bro we dont gotta post fake pics

  • Feb 16

    Gyals fuc wit this album HEAVY

  • Feb 16
  • Feb 16

    Am I tweaking or did Drake kinda ruin LASERS? That was PND’s best performance for me

  • TheFader

    SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.

    Been saying this is the best cut on here

  • Feb 16
    1 reply
  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    It doesn’t go through college station either

    85 is south of San Antonio lmao closer to the border

    Could be talking about Prairie View A&M since it’s just as close to the ranch as Texas A&M. Don’t know of any 85 near it either tho lol

    But if you’re going to the ranch from Houston you’re gonna drive through Prairie View on Highway 290

  • Feb 16

    SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.

    Needs a visual quick cause it’s def a bop

  • Feb 16

    SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN may go down as the biggest song from this album after a year or two. That song is the one.

    I think that may be my fav. My hot take on the song is that the first part before the real her sample is the best part of the song

  • Feb 16
    13 replies

    Im just saying if Drake dropped Marvin’s Room today you all would call it boring

    I don’t agree with this. I’ve thought about this for a while, but it’s never been more evident than on this project. Keep in mind, I enjoy this album so this isn’t hate, just an observation I’ve made over the years.

    Drake’s approach to R&B is COMPLETELY different nowadays than what it was 10+ years ago. Whether it’s a better or worse approach is dependent on who you’re asking, but I’m not even talking about just the content of the music itself, that’s obvious. I mean that his approach to songwriting as a whole when it comes to R&B has done a complete 180.

    He used to approach R&B writing from a very traditional standpoint: clearly defined ABAB structure, songs written around a specific narrative, more complex & varied melodic lines, layered vocals along with background vocals, and less wordplay in the lyrics, instead focusing more on eliciting emotion. These songs sound like they were written by legitimate R&B musicians. Prime examples of this include:

    Then, the approach started to switch sometime around 2017 or 2018. It changed to something more formless and conversational, gone were the traditional song structures and in were songs that could be mistaken for one long verse, usually with one or two repeating melodic lines the entire song, in addition to feeling like songs written by a rapper due to their emphasis on punchlines and similes within the lyrics. He seems to prefer catching a vibe on his modern R&B songs rather than writing a fleshed out song. They almost come off as freestyles more than actually written songs. Some examples include:

    The style you prefer is completely subjective, but it is very interesting to note and observe the differences. For that reason, I don’t think people would hate a song like Marvins Room if it were to release today, because it would be basically a complete 180 flip from the R&B that 2025 Drake is making.