What symptoms do yall get??
Stuffy nose, scratchy/red eyes, sour throat, and if get really bad a headache and a drowsy feeling
damn thats tough
well i suggest you do one of these searches https://www.google.com/search?q=dust+mite+allergy+reddit&oq=dust+mite+allergy+reddit&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEINzkwMGowajSoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
and see if anything there helps you out
Thank you:)
I have done it before and searched Reddit dry.
There don’t seems to be any fix for dust-mite.
Some say dehumidifiers work if you get the temp under 50* but others say they don’t work.
Saw a thread about pollen allergies.
Dust-Mite allergy’s needs it own thread.
I have that s***
It sucks
You to do so much to keep ‘em away
I have taken the 3 year immune therapy but they still kick my ass
you did immunotherapy for 3 years and you still have allergies? are you mf serious
you did immunotherapy for 3 years and you still have allergies? are you mf serious
Yes, immune therapy is not assured to work.
It lowered my symptoms a bit, but did not stop them and they came back after I stopped
Does anyone have experience with using dehumidifiers to remove dust-mites from your home?
actually just bought an air purifier that claims it gets rid of dust mites and i got it just for that (well mold mites technically) so i’ll let you know how that goes once i set it up