Album just gets better and better .. first few tracks are above average, middle gets really good (from Courtside to keep it going) ending is legendary (from flawless to the very end)
Weird, cause I love Daniel's lyrics and voice, I love 85's production, but I don't feel this album
not hitting like the previous two projects. maybe too many features not sure
This is exactly it. Features ruin it! They took the abel bbtm route where abel had meaningless f***ing features that ruined the album. Same with this album
I think some people in here are just saying stuff without thinking about the story being told and the 4 parts, that this album is supposed to be broken down into. Like they even posted when they revealed the tracklist.
I think some people that are saying things has only listened and skimmed through songs on the surface and are missing the concept and direction of the album.
It is not even that hard to see or hear.
And I feel like all the features serves a purpose on the songs they are on.
All the features work. All 9 of them. I'm amazed. It's very easy to see the chemistry Daniel and Nineteen85 have built over the years.
Album is very good, they kind of experimented with this album and I feel like it went well
How do y'all feel about Shantel May's performance?
Feel like we need her album pronto
This really a "throwback" type of album. It is an album in every sense of what that word means.
It is not an album when most of the songs are just like a collection of songs or a playlist type of thing.
This literally tells a story and the sequencing is great. It is an album like they used to make them... and the music is great.
Im very surprised some people missing this.
dvsn is amazing tf
morning after and september 5th albums were good. i didn't enjoy the new singles at all
morning after and september 5th albums were good. i didn't enjoy the new singles at all
bro first listen and I wasn’t feeling this album low key! But that’s a good sign because it means this album is a grower
Trinidad James fam
Trinidad James fam
You would be surprised how many great artists he writes for...