So he was 22 years old when he started talking in circles over car crash instrumentals
That’s f***ing insane
So he was 22 years old when he started talking in circles over car crash instrumentals
dang you beat me to it
So he was 22 years old when he started talking in circles over car crash instrumentals
your fav could never!
So he was 22 years old when he started talking in circles over car crash instrumentals
Asinine take
Will OP utilize his ability to delete first-page posts is the real question
you can do that?
what the FCUk
Greatest album of all times
Love yall Earl fam
This one got me through some tough s***
Greatest album of all times
Love yall Earl fam
This one got me through some tough s***
kinda want to dive into his unreleased s***. any comps out there?