alot of artists made good music when they were young, what is the f***ing point of this thread lmao
alot of artists made good music when they were young, what is the f***ing point of this thread lmao
OP realizing they've accomplished nothing at a young age compared to rappers
like... real talk bro this sum evil ass s***ty bug, got ghots notifications
Nah it's the mods censoring speech
yea as much a so love srs i feel like there’s sm more room for development and thats what’s scary
he’s more than capable of bringing it all together
next project will either be on par or greater. would be disappointed if it’s a step backwards but idek
i don’t see his sound slowing down at all, he’s just getting more comfortable
Yea Earls pen is def getting better with each project
yea as much a so love srs i feel like there’s sm more room for development and thats what’s scary
he’s more than capable of bringing it all together
next project will either be on par or greater. would be disappointed if it’s a step backwards but idek
i don’t see his sound slowing down at all, he’s just getting more comfortable
FoC was so mid tho, surprised he put that out after SRS
yea as much a so love srs i feel like there’s sm more room for development and thats what’s scary
he’s more than capable of bringing it all together
next project will either be on par or greater. would be disappointed if it’s a step backwards but idek
i don’t see his sound slowing down at all, he’s just getting more comfortable
Next project is going to be petrifying
FOC was a “heat check” . . . man
Uh he made EARL at 15/16
If we take the whole context, Earl is his best project
Holy s*** just got a ridiculous wave of nostalgia listening to this