earl and tyler are by far the most pretentious figures in rap when it comes to musical opinions
Tyler yes. Earl usually comes with a solid opinion
it's tru tho, there's sonics and content respectively. they originated and coalesce in several ways but they are also distinct definitions for different contexts
I hear that. But the definition of “trap music” won’t change. You can argue that albums have elements and influences from the trap sound but it’s not trap music. I cannot go and call WLR a trap album rn and that niggas from Atlanta
It IS trap inspired or trap adjacent though.
Until we reach a consensus (at least in the music critic world) around the genre or category to place that production, trap makes the most sense.
people saying it’s not fair to call music using trap beats “trap music
i def think there's some merit to this idea, especially from the perspective of having grown with that music and seen where it came from and having seen it evolve into this highly gentrified monster it's become.
but it's also just like, it is what it is. having an attachment to its origins doesn't make words mean different things
Oh for sure. I’m with that totally, you were 100% right when you brought up Ariana Grande because there are “trap drums” all over her latest s***.
remember when indie rock 'electronica' et al. fans and other real music connoisseurs took that 'pbr&b' joke tweet and ran with it to coin an entire genre as 'alternative r&b' because they were so terrified of being seen as fans of something outside of the blog canon, so u had undercover racists writing thinkpieces about how how to dress well plucks the best bits of trey songz and makes an album of 'real art'
This is a perfect example of him doing both in one song, separately
i guess? he's still singing though, like pushing his voice to be a melody. i think this is a distinct vocal styling from like a "rapper rapper" like a black thought or a royce
tbh this is just a semantics argument because cultural definitions can change over time
Not in black history
It’s because of fantano that people who’ve never heard TM101 say that Rodeo is the best trap album
Tyler yes. Earl usually comes with a solid opinion
Facts i can't recall any wild takes from Earl at all off top of the head
I thought my ears were broken because I didn't hear no trap on Sick and niggas kept saying it
2010 is pretty obviously a trap beat, it has the bounce snares and the hat rolls and the 808s. lots of boxes checked 🤷♀️
It IS trap inspired or trap adjacent though.
Until we reach a consensus (at least in the music critic world) around the genre or category to place that production, trap makes the most sense.
Ima start calling it “post trap” fr then
remember when indie rock 'electronica' et al. fans and other real music connoisseurs took that 'pbr&b' joke tweet and ran with it to coin an entire genre as 'alternative r&b' because they were so terrified of being seen as fans of something outside of the blog canon, so u had undercover racists writing thinkpieces about how how to dress well plucks the best bits of trey songz and makes an album of 'real art'
how to dress well plucks the best bits of trey songz
this a funny ass series of words fr
Is he right?
Yes and no
Yes because 808's and arpeggiated hats trap music does not make
No because he's responding to people calling music on his new album trap or trap inspired.
Trap much like other sub-genres of hip hop has come to have a universal influence across the genre. it's elements can be found in many different styles of rap.
This is similar to mafioso rap. I wouldn't call Benny a mafioso rapper although his aesthetic and lyrical content is very much inspired by it.
Ima start calling it “post trap” fr then
That would actually be pretty dope and accurate.
2010 is pretty obviously a trap beat, it has the bounce snares and the hat rolls and the 808s. lots of boxes checked 🤷♀️
2010 a trap beat
yo. WHERE do yall niggas be from bro
2010 a trap beat
yo. WHERE do yall niggas be from bro
It is tbh
Ima start calling it “post trap” fr then
This actually makes sense tbh lol
This and VLONE-core music
2010 a trap beat
yo. WHERE do yall niggas be from bro
i dont think its bad but i dont think it'd be hard to find a very similar sounding type beat on youtube with 200 trap subgenre hashtags in the description