are we talking that cornball festival edm or the dope kind of electronic music like moodymann, theo parrish, larry heard, burial, afx, autechre etc?
are we talking that cornball festival edm or the dope kind of electronic music like moodymann, theo parrish, larry heard, burial, afx, autechre etc?
i don't see your point there are many various different types of EDM....
i don't see your point there are many various different types of EDM....
Riddim, Dubstep, Wook Bass, Techno, House, it's all there, just fw whtever the energy will b right
i don't see your point there are many various different types of EDM....
u right. carry on.
for me tho theres a difference between "edm" and regular electronic music. even tho its the same thing at the end of the day
Yo OP do you f*** with any Wakaan artists? Wakaan fest was amazing this year.
I made it to lost lands, again
Wakaan is amazing but I heard that fest had alot of wooks
Space Daddy
Trash thread. EDM will never have the cultural impact that rap has
The production and details are staggering you are tone deaf and do not understand BPM and can't recognize certain detail in certain songs meanwhile paying attention to other things while the techno beep bops play in your head, you are confused and scared, you resort to hate on it
!!! this post hostile af s*** got me dying
Mulberry mountain stays wooked out, you should check out a fest there sometime! Would love to make it out to Lost Lands eventually.
Lol imagine sitting and listening to EDM like when you're not at a party or anything
Na s*** is lit time to time.
People that only listen to it are sus tho.
Almost all "EDM" is garbage.
Absolutely not. Almost all Pop EDM is garbage alternative edm is great
honestly tho my homie and i were just talking about this last night. electronic music is probably gonna come back into the mainstream after trap fades. and its fading quickly
im here for it too. i been straight blasting house music recently
Only the 2nd statement is true.
Both Hip-Hop and EDM would be non existent without the concept of sampling tho.
Absolutely not. Almost all Pop EDM is garbage alternative edm is great
this is where the confusion comes in imo. i always think of trash when i hear the term EDM. prolly cause of EDC
Saying all EDM is trash is a very blanket statement. There are definitely some s***ty artists out there, but that could be said of any genre. There's so much variety in the EDM genre and it always seems to be evolving stylistically.
are we talking that cornball festival edm or the dope kind of electronic music like moodymann, theo parrish, larry heard, burial, afx, autechre etc?
Works in rap too.
See: 6ix9ine and Mos Def for example