FromSoft's take on pure fantasy
This should be dope
not sure about the open world element though
Omnipotent (the most credible source on FromSoftware games out there with a proven track record) said this is a year old Work-in-progression trailer that was never intended for the general public.
Omnipotent (the most credible source on FromSoftware games out there with a proven track record) said this is a year old Work-in-progression trailer that was never intended for the general public.
Makes sense, def looks like a WIP
these takes don't make sense because these games are in development a few years before next Gen regardless.
lol you just agreed to my point
stuff like flying mounts wont be probably possible in horizon 2 cause of last gen tec.
would have been different if they would be ps5 exclusive like ratchet and clank
lol you just agreed to my point
stuff like flying mounts wont be probably possible in horizon 2 cause of last gen tec.
would have been different if they would be ps5 exclusive like ratchet and clank
Just the way the industry works. If everyone waited around for tech to catch up to their ideas nothing would ever get made.
FromSoft's take on pure fantasy
This should be dope
not sure about the open world element though
honestly bet it will redefine the scope of open world in games.
with how great from software are with world building and actually having massive areas that go deep underneath the ground and or large and twisting, or reach into the sky, It will definitely be amazing to explore.
Just the way the industry works. If everyone waited around for tech to catch up to their ideas nothing would ever get made.
Half Life Alyx kind of did this lmao
Just seen the leaks s*** looks like Dark Souls 4 pretty much
Did mans just confirm a trailer is def dropping this month lol
Did mans just confirm a trailer is def dropping this month lol
Well the pressure's on now right? They don't want some half assed footage floating around they wanna show off their game properly.
Another one
different watermark 2 different companies getting f***ed
Another one
seen the classic door opening animation and I screamed
seen the classic door opening animation and I screamed
The jump is what got me like
thank god that red dead 2 was not cross gen
red dead was in development for 8 years. aka the whole ps4/xboner Gen.
Another one
looks a lot like DS
you can jump though
Another one
oh s*** look at the arena