I started this for the first time blind 2 weeks ago and have close to 60 hours on this. Haven’t enjoyed a game since cyberpunk even at launch somehow, haven’t loved a game like this I think ever
Glad you’re digging it! Elden Ring was my first Souls-game. It initially took a while to get into it cus everything was new and massive and I didn’t know where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do, but once I got it, it became one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. On my third playthrough right now. The DLC is fantastic too. Where are you at right now?
Glad you’re digging it! Elden Ring was my first Souls-game. It initially took a while to get into it cus everything was new and massive and I didn’t know where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do, but once I got it, it became one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. On my third playthrough right now. The DLC is fantastic too. Where are you at right now?
Just got to mountaintops
@Kabel Malenia down! Getting custody of my kids back.
Betch. How long did it take you around?
I'm gonna try today
Betch. How long did it take you around?
I'm gonna try today
I tried for like 3 hours yesterday and then I went to bed and woke up and beat her in less than an hour First time I fought her took me like 3 days lol.
Replaying the DLC and I ate the Divine Beast Dancing Lion on my first attempt with ease One of my favourite bosses. Too bad I put him to shame this time.
Theres only one damn move im dying to from her. God such a bullshit move.
Dont even wanna buy the dlc after this.
Theres only one damn move im dying to from her. God such a bullshit move.
Dont even wanna buy the dlc after this.
You think Malenia is bad, final boss of the dlc made me want to off myself
It's worth it tho
You think Malenia is bad, final boss of the dlc made me want to off myself
It's worth it tho
Yea I've heard. Doesn't sound fun at all.
Theres only one damn move im dying to from her. God such a bullshit move.
Dont even wanna buy the dlc after this.
Brother don’t give up! I believe in you. Take a break if you need but you’ll eventually master that Waterfowl dodge. Initially she took me out with it but I figured out how to dodge it to the best of my ability.
First off, try to keep your health high because you may not be able to dodge the whole dance (although it is possible and I’ve done it with a little luck and skill) but I consistently managed to avoid a lot of it by rolling into her just as she flies towards me from the air.
When she jumps up in the air she locks eyes with you and then dances in the direction where you stood right before she attacks, so you can do a “bait and switch” on her by rolling into her just as she’s about to jump you with her dance.
The DLC is beautiful man you don’t wanna miss the temples and bosses there. It’s a much more compact version of Elden Ring.
Finally beat Radahn/the DLC
Welcome to the other side. Well done. I’m replaying the DLC right now so we’ll see if the final boss will cause as much trouble as he did the first time. I remember I almost fell a tear out of frustration after tryna beat him for like 3 days straight Only he and Malenia gave me actual gray hairs.