  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Omg amazing!

    It’s always those types of things that you end up liking even more than you would if you liked it from minute 1.
    Any tips from someone who has 100%’d it?

    honestly just keep grinding, the first areas are just annoyingly hard but once you get passed that it all opens up/clicks. Even on a NG+ I dread going through them, s*** just bugs me

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    They don’t give a f*** about graphic s they care about their art and vision for the game. Which is rare nowadays

    What a stupid reason to completely ignore one of the major aspects of gaming. All that effort they put into the art and vision would be uplifted even more if they cared.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    2 replies

    honestly just keep grinding, the first areas are just annoyingly hard but once you get passed that it all opens up/clicks. Even on a NG+ I dread going through them, s*** just bugs me

    Got you. Yeah I’ve read a lot about how some of these early bosses are infamous and dreaded. Definitely reassuring

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Got you. Yeah I’ve read a lot about how some of these early bosses are infamous and dreaded. Definitely reassuring

    once you slog through the early parts I hope you enjoy cause it honestly is phenomenal

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    watch out for them pots

  • Jun 11, 2021

    225 DAYS TO GO

  • Jun 11, 2021

    4 player coop eh

  • Jun 11, 2021

    watch out for them pots

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Got you. Yeah I’ve read a lot about how some of these early bosses are infamous and dreaded. Definitely reassuring

    its a big learning curve. the first time i played a fromsoft game i was like "how the f*** does this even work?" i was trying to fight like it was DMC or something. eventually you get into the groove and learn the flow of the game and it'll all go much smoother.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Open world too got me hyped I feel like a super hard opened world game would be sexy as hell

    Edit: from software day and night cycle

  • Jun 11, 2021

    2022 n 2023 goty

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply
    rise zero

    its a big learning curve. the first time i played a fromsoft game i was like "how the f*** does this even work?" i was trying to fight like it was DMC or something. eventually you get into the groove and learn the flow of the game and it'll all go much smoother.

    Right? That’s definitely the huge appealing, brain-satisfying aspect to them

    I basically play solely accessible, big, AAA games. Besides dead rising 1, I don’t think I’ve played many games where the difficultly is ever something I even think about.

    But I’m definitely seeing the appeal. Have you played all the souls games too?

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Right? That’s definitely the huge appealing, brain-satisfying aspect to them

    I basically play solely accessible, big, AAA games. Besides dead rising 1, I don’t think I’ve played many games where the difficultly is ever something I even think about.

    But I’m definitely seeing the appeal. Have you played all the souls games too?

    at this point i've played them all except the original demons souls.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I don't even f*** with open world games like that, but I know FromSoft will deliver an amazing world

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    What a stupid reason to completely ignore one of the major aspects of gaming. All that effort they put into the art and vision would be uplifted even more if they cared.

    Keep crying about graphics while the rest of us enjoy great games lmao

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply
    rise zero

    you can play it on PSnow, but unfortunately it doesnt include the DLC which has some of the best bosses

    Totally forgot about this option
    Dont you need a good internet connection to play ps now games on pc tho, like are they cloud games?

  • Jun 11, 2021

    From games still not giving what they should be visually. Like it’s so clear how their games could look after seeing the Demon Souls Remake and this is not looking on the level of that remake from what I saw.

    We’ll see when it releases though.

    They started working on the game after work on ds3 and dlcs was done and it was announced for ps4/xbox one, it was never gonna look like demon's soul remake which is a next gen exclusive

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Totally forgot about this option
    Dont you need a good internet connection to play ps now games on pc tho, like are they cloud games?

    Yeah you're streaming them so you'd need a good connection

    There's a week long free trial so worth a shot

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    From games still not giving what they should be visually. Like it’s so clear how their games could look after seeing the Demon Souls Remake and this is not looking on the level of that remake from what I saw.

    We’ll see when it releases though.

    I like this way more than what Demon Souls looked like, honestly if this s*** would have looked like Demon Souls I would have been pretty disappointed. FromSofts art style just unique and different. Don’t need this s*** lookin like every other game out there

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    People acting like trace artists like Bluepoint would even have anything to colour over if it wasn’t for FROM and the other games they remake.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    People acting like trace artists like Bluepoint would even have anything to colour over if it wasn’t for FROM and the other games they remake.

    Talk to em

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I don't even f*** with open world games like that, but I know FromSoft will deliver an amazing world

    people were talking about how it looks “empty” but forget that that can be done well. one of my fav games has a damn near completely empty open world, that game is Shadow of the Colossus

    but the leaked info about how NPCs will have a variety of personal reasons for aiding you makes me believe it won’t be empty at all

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Keep crying about graphics while the rest of us enjoy great games lmao

    This comment makes no sense. It looks dated, that’s a fact. I can say what it is without it being crying and you losers jumping all on my back because I’m not praising it to high heaven.

    I swear any criticism of anything and you fanboys are the ones that actually start b****ing.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    2 replies

    I like this way more than what Demon Souls looked like, honestly if this s*** would have looked like Demon Souls I would have been pretty disappointed. FromSofts art style just unique and different. Don’t need this s*** lookin like every other game out there

    Art style is not the same as visual quality and graphics…

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Like I get it From never cared about graphics being the best looking which is why in my comment I said “still” but if your games on last gen was bordering on looking dated, then when next gen comes and it still looks the same then that’s a problem imo. I guess the only defense is like someone mentioned this wasn’t created with next gen in mind.