  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Like I get it From never cared about graphics being the best looking which is why in my comment I said “still” but if your games on last gen was bordering on looking dated, then when next gen comes and it still looks the same then that’s a problem imo. I guess the only defense is like someone mentioned this wasn’t created with next gen in mind.

    what does next gen even mean in 2021

    consoles can barely run games at 30fps as is, and w/ that the visual integrity of the game is lost bc of all the performance compromises

    and either way, style > 'good' graphics 10 times outta 10

  • Kenig 💭
    Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Lemme tell ya this, people calling this ugly shoulda looked in tha mirror sometimes.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    rise zero

    Yeah you're streaming them so you'd need a good connection

    There's a week long free trial so worth a shot

    Thanks ill try!!!

  • Jun 11, 2021
    · edited

    Lemme tell ya this, people calling this ugly shoulda looked in tha mirror sometimes.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    hope i can get a ps5 before this comes out

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Art style is not the same as visual quality and graphics…

    I know and I think that FromSoft not having the best graphics isnt a big deal because their art style makes up for it.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Art style is not the same as visual quality and graphics…

    And so what? Good graphics will always eventually feel dated, but a cohesive art style will continue to be pleasant to look at decades down the line.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    2 replies

    And so what? Good graphics will always eventually feel dated, but a cohesive art style will continue to be pleasant to look at decades down the line.

    Y’all really think you making a point keep repeating this statement. Like it has to be an either or situation.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Y’all really think you making a point keep repeating this statement. Like it has to be an either or situation.

    fromsoft games have never been top fidelity, they just look good and the world and the style makes up for the rest, DS remake is the only one that truly looks amazing

    it obviously is an either or situation for most games lol

  • Jun 11, 2021

    what does next gen even mean in 2021

    consoles can barely run games at 30fps as is, and w/ that the visual integrity of the game is lost bc of all the performance compromises

    and either way, style > 'good' graphics 10 times outta 10

    nintendo very much proves that last part too

    or like any classic game from ps3/ps2 era that s***s on most games we've gotten on current gen

  • Jun 11, 2021

    They should work with bluepoint on these graphics

  • Jun 11, 2021

    this trailers got me hootin and hollerin

    looks fantastic

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    This comment makes no sense. It looks dated, that’s a fact. I can say what it is without it being crying and you losers jumping all on my back because I’m not praising it to high heaven.

    I swear any criticism of anything and you fanboys are the ones that actually start b****ing.

    Bruh just shut the f*** up

  • Jun 11, 2021

    idk how yall sayin this game doesnt look beautiful when he summoned the horse and was ridin that s*** reminded me of ocarina of time s***, im so excited.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    People don't play these games for the graphics. It has always been about gameplay. Yes I wish it looked like demons souls remake. But if the gameplay is incredible I'm not worried about it

  • Jun 11, 2021
    Water Giver

    Dont know y people think January is a weird month to release in

    Sekiro came out in feb of 2019

    Fr they'll release it when it's ready. We should all have learned from cyberpunk not to rush s***. It easily would've made the holiday window this year if covid wasn't involved

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Bruh just shut the f*** up

    Nah, I’m going continue to state my opinion on a forum where you state your opinion. If you’re mad block me or some s***.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    3 replies

    fromsoft games have never been top fidelity, they just look good and the world and the style makes up for the rest, DS remake is the only one that truly looks amazing

    it obviously is an either or situation for most games lol

    …No it’s not. Many games have shown that artistically the game can be amazing while still actually trying when it comes to graphics. And not just like cookie cutter artistic choices either….

    Wtf, just say y’all giving a pass only because of who the studio is and keep it moving. No need to try to justify to me, my thoughts not changing on a game basically just making compromises because they know their audience will accept it.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    …No it’s not. Many games have shown that artistically the game can be amazing while still actually trying when it comes to graphics. And not just like cookie cutter artistic choices either….

    Wtf, just say y’all giving a pass only because of who the studio is and keep it moving. No need to try to justify to me, my thoughts not changing on a game basically just making compromises because they know their audience will accept it.

    Idk how you arguing that people are “giving it a pass” when the s*** looks good?

    The only thing to me that didn’t look top tier was some of the monster’s textures like the ones pulling the cart.

    Other than that the s*** looks A1. Particle effects crazy, weather crazy, big landscape vistas with decrepit architecture in the background crazy. I wish it was next gen exclusive but f*** it, hope it’s at least improved performance on ps5...If I can ever get one

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    …No it’s not. Many games have shown that artistically the game can be amazing while still actually trying when it comes to graphics. And not just like cookie cutter artistic choices either….

    Wtf, just say y’all giving a pass only because of who the studio is and keep it moving. No need to try to justify to me, my thoughts not changing on a game basically just making compromises because they know their audience will accept it.

    Nigga I deadass dont know what more you could have wanted, this s*** looks like an upgrade from their previous games graphically & they still managed to retain their art style which was already amazing.

    Now you just being disrespectful for no reason and saying the developers cut corners because the game doesnt look like what you wanted it too look like, I feel like you low key just wanted more photorealism out a FromSoft game and im so f***ing glad that didnt happen.

    This s*** isnt even a next gen exclusive so you being extra and disrespectful for no reason at all

  • Jun 11, 2021

    …No it’s not. Many games have shown that artistically the game can be amazing while still actually trying when it comes to graphics. And not just like cookie cutter artistic choices either….

    Wtf, just say y’all giving a pass only because of who the studio is and keep it moving. No need to try to justify to me, my thoughts not changing on a game basically just making compromises because they know their audience will accept it.

    i didn't say it was a fact...i said evidently it is the case seeing as majority of games sacrifice resolution for perfomance, art or the world lol

    if it were that easy, every game would have both, and again, i'd argue art style is better than resolution and nintendo does it with like every game

  • Jun 11, 2021
    2 replies
    · edited

    Nigga I deadass dont know what more you could have wanted, this s*** looks like an upgrade from their previous games graphically & they still managed to retain their art style which was already amazing.

    Now you just being disrespectful for no reason and saying the developers cut corners because the game doesnt look like what you wanted it too look like, I feel like you low key just wanted more photorealism out a FromSoft game and im so f***ing glad that didnt happen.

    This s*** isnt even a next gen exclusive so you being extra and disrespectful for no reason at all

    yeah it looks slightly better than ds3 imo, but idk if it's better than sekiro, i think it's cause the others have way more stone work, giant castles, etc

    demons souls remake is easily the best looking

  • Jun 11, 2021
    4 replies

    How about we wanted the graphics to be at least DemonSouls remake level

    That would be dope

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    How about we wanted the graphics to be at least DemonSouls remake level

    That would be dope

    might sound a bit weird but i kinda associate 'shitty' graphics with souls games

  • Jun 11, 2021

    yeah it looks slightly better than ds3 imo, but idk if it's better than sekiro, i think it's cause the others have way more stone work, giant castles, etc

    demons souls remake is easily the best looking

    I prefer art style more than graphics and I didn’t like the way Demons Souls looked, I’m just not a fan of making everything photorealistic