Imagine how many retweets my tweets would get if I had a rich father and inheritance from gem mining in an apartheid in SA, black South Africans had to suffer and die and their labour has culminated in to this epic reddit meme lord.
Bruh her anime avi pissing me off lol
why would socialist be mad at Elon anyway
he is atleast using his money for good and not sitting on it, like other rich ppl
might have something to do with how he treats his workers? no socialist should be a supporter of the bourgeoisie in general as they make financial capital off of their workers hard labour (that should be being distributed amongst those workers) but on top of that he's a union busting pos
might have something to do with how he treats his workers? no socialist should be a supporter of the bourgeoisie in general as they make financial capital off of their workers hard labour (that should be being distributed amongst those workers) but on top of that he's a union busting pos
all bs aside, I’m waiting for the day you can see how hypocritical this logic is.
How Elon go from a GOAT to being hated lol
pseudo-intellectual beta soyboy left wing democratic snowflakes swallowing the giant load known as FAKE NEWS
all bs aside, I’m waiting for the day you can see how hypocritical this logic is.
go ahead and explain how its hypocritical
go ahead and explain how its hypocritical
pseudo-intellectual beta soyboy left wing democratic snowflakes swallowing the giant load known as FAKE NEWS
So when it comes to Bernie's platform, I agree that for the most part it would guarantee at least a decent standard of living for everyone in America (he didn't propose a universal basic income but besides the point). However, capitalists are smart people. They will find other means of exploitation. There will still be institutional barriers for people (the same people who are disenfranchised now) and inequality will still exist. People will still be paying rent and so on. The workers won't own the means of production. The problem with reformist policies as opposed to revolutationary action is that reforms can be done away with, especially since we are operating under a capitalist society. Not saying that bernie's policies aren't a step in the right direction for America, but the issue with social democratic reforms is that they can be reformed away, and they don't do enough to attack global capitalism. Bernie has talked about being against the military industrial complex, but where are the brash proposals to actually take it on? He supports drone strikes, and the very nature of global capitalism means we feed off the global south to produce a lot of our goods, and the people in those countries are the ones impacted, working in sweatshops or in the mines for like, a dollar a day. To socialists, this is an injustice. the working class struggle doesn't end at a border, so even if it would be great to have universal healthcare here in America, it doesn't do much to help people in other countries.
Basically, any proposed reforms that still maintain a system where that type of injustice and inequality occurs is not sufficient. the private sector will always be motivated by profit and thus always be exploitative. you can mitigate it a bit, but to achieve a society where classes don't exist, youve gotta go a lot farther than reform. for example, bernie had a policy proposing workers would have 45% of the board seats. why not 100%?
this doesn't mean i'm against reforms or think ppl trying to make america are bad people or anything, but that they simply don't go far enough. whether its because they believe we can't, or they just don't care, idk. There are a number of policies and reforms I would love to see implemented in America as soon as possible, but when it comes to the working class people of the world, it does't do s*** for them. and no, if u were planning on asking, i don't have much of a clue on how socialism would be implemented on a global scale, beyond some rough ideas that all seem pretty impossible atm.
As for your second question, and maybe this won't be a big deal for you but the biggest difference id say (beyond the whole global thing) is that bernie's policies still leave the profit motive in tact. i'm hugely against this, and believe it stifles freedom and naturally lends itself to exploitation. to me, it should be done away with.
first off appreciate the reply.
if i am understanding correctly i see a couple key distinctions mainly:
1. wealth/racial inequality = still a thing
2. reforms can be repealed
3. cap relies on exploitation internationally
these are fair points to me. my thoughts corresponding to each one are:
1. is inequality inherently a bad thing if everyone is guaranteed a min standard of living? this is the huge hang-up i have w socialism.
for example i grinded hard to get a pretty lucrative position far removed from where i grew up. i am starting to realize that america isn't 100% a meritocracy and the mobility i was fortunate enough to receive isn't available to every1.
HOWEVER i wouldn't begrudge the lucky few that are able to see their work culminate in lifestyle improvement. it doesnt seem reasonable to me to mandate that every1 become equal economically and also seems fully unnecessary ... if you are guaranteed food on the table, housing, decent living etc what more do you really need to ask for EVEN IF there are still people that earn more than you ?
2. this makes sense however it also seems to apply to socialism.
socialist states could also become corrupt, implement policies that recreate private markets etc ... if anything bernies vision is the ONLY one not as susceptible to this bc it satisfies both sides sort of so theres less of a chance that its tampered with.
3. this is an excellent point and im not sure where i stand here. def something i will look more into.
my general thoughts are this ... at a certain point we have a case of diminishing marginal returns. i dont think a socialist system is THAT much better to the point where it justifies investing your energy in enacting it. especially when theres so little clarity on HOW to achieve it, how it would be implemented in practice etc
so why not just throw ur hat behind achievable policies and call it a day ?
Imagine how many retweets my tweets would get if I had a rich father and inheritance from gem mining in an apartheid in SA, black South Africans had to suffer and die and their labour has culminated in to this epic reddit meme lord.
You getting mad and he's getting rich
Pick ya battles, you won't win this one