Real talk he could just be acting like a goof ball
Like dam a man owns a company that makes dope cars and is worth millions and all of a sudden he has to be stoned face all the time?
This is the reason no one relates to rich ppl.
he's always been worth millions, his dad owned diamond mines
he is sitting on it though
Union busting is a thing at Tesla
The hyperloop is a buzzword to funnel public money to Elon musk. High speed rail technology already exists.
unions a socialist thing ??
and idk he did push the world forward with the Tesla cars bro, nby else on that wave before that
going to mars dope too
unions a socialist thing ??
and idk he did push the world forward with the Tesla cars bro, nby else on that wave before that
going to mars dope too
man do u know anything about socialism
I'm not even that far left but
or the idea of someone worth 38 billion dollars talking about "free america now!" when he will never in a million years have to actually face the consequences of the virus is a bit ridiculous if not sickening.
that and in general elon musk is a s***head.
Yeah the free America now statement is pretty wack, but everything else is just funny.
Like him saying the stock is too high
2020 and people are against you if you believe we deserve freedom
Lmao this whole "freedom" anti-lockdown thing is the perfect example of American conservatives going against their own best interests to ride the nuts of rich people
All these people protesting in Michigan are the people that this virus affects the most
but I love socialist ideas in general, like health care and universal basic income
if I could choose I would be for anarchism
man do u know anything about socialism
I'm not even that far left but
brooo we had that stuff in school
Twitter is Therapy.
Tweeting out how you feel shouldn’t be a bad thing. Especially if it’s honest and vulnerable. I f*** with it!
What do you mean. Elon musk is funny big chungus meme guy who smokes weed and sends cars in space. How could he be another narcissistic billionare who only cares about his money and calls heroes pedophiles because his toys wouldnt be tested to save children