Being racist with no consequences
Except free speech is literally the right to respond to said racism with consequences lmao
Elon da 🐐 no 🧢 !!!
And when it goes from spitting hate speech into doxxing and harrassing members of the race you’re talking hate about, it’s no longer about free speech.
why niggas simp for billionaires will forever confound me
Capitalism has these people bamboozled into thinking they could be next
You’re a troll bro I hope they ban on u here too
I said it jokingly it wasn't even an attack
Corny to be outraged that for a select group of people to own more wealth than majority of the world that nothing of great value has come from that?
Well, excuse me for having a conscience
Corny to be outraged that for a select group of people to own more wealth than majority of the world that nothing of great value has come from that?
Well, excuse me for having a conscience
Amazon provides pretty great value as does electric vehicles and space exploration but that's just me
i be randomly looking this vid up to laugh ever since u first posted it
Amazon provides pretty great value as does electric vehicles and space exploration but that's just me
For Elon Starlink as well. Dude definitely creates value. Im not even a fan of bruh but you cant really deny his businesses have added value to the world
Amazon provides pretty great value as does electric vehicles and space exploration but that's just me
all trash
Amazon provides pretty great value as does electric vehicles and space exploration but that's just me
The same amazon that gotta have labor unions?
Now tell me how electric vehicles and space exploration help us out here on Earth?
God yall techbros be out of touch lol
For Elon Starlink as well. Dude definitely creates value. Im not even a fan of bruh but you cant really deny his businesses have added value to the world
Exactly lol that isn't billionaire worship that's being objective, flaws and all
The same amazon that gotta have labor unions?
Now tell me how electric vehicles and space exploration help us out here on Earth?
God yall techbros be out of touch lol
The only thing he’s ever proposed that would’ve actually done a great deal for the world was that subway system he was talkin bout.
Otherwise, I gives a f*** bout space travel my nigga.
The same amazon that gotta have labor unions?
Now tell me how electric vehicles and space exploration help us out here on Earth?
God yall techbros be out of touch lol
Self driving vehicles will reduce accidents and fatalities on the road.
Space exploration is a luxury but it does help us
Self driving vehicles will reduce accidents and fatalities on the road.
Space exploration is a luxury but it does help us
How lol.
The same amazon that gotta have labor unions?
Now tell me how electric vehicles and space exploration help us out here on Earth?
God yall techbros be out of touch lol
You should know how electric cars are better for earth lol