Richest man on earth but still miserable and yearning for acceptance. It’s like a Greek tragedy. Kafkaesque? idk
god he’s such a loser
Idk what "frens" or "keks" means but I can't believe one of the richest people in the world and a probable future high ranking official in US politics is getting exposed for using 4chan terms like these
supposedly the head of like 6 companies yet has all the time in the world to Tweet all day, sometimes across multiple alts, s***post on 4chan, and be number 1 in the world in Diablo (or at least pay someone to do so for him)
his latest obsession is co-signing Nigel Farage and the side of UK politics that has people advocating for straight up opening fire on migrant boats and hes on 4chan crying about being called alt right?
im praying for the day this tub of mayonnaise keels over
He is a psychopath
how do you promote free speech and then manipulate the algorithm whenever you want
and it always happens when people don’t like him
the way to achieve 100% unregretted time is to delete your account
called it. lol
The clean up has started.
Now that Twitter served its purpose, I give it a few months for all the crazy rhetoric to get toned down and slowly censored. I can see Elon doing this to bring back advertisers and users, then selling it for way less than he bought it.
Just imo
called it. lol
The clean up has started.
what's considered "negativity" "informative" and "entertaining" will be according to Elon's definition so things wont change that much