He had a YT channel called thisistheplan that was being accused of pandering the alt-right and deleted it afterwards because the backlash was so massive that it almost canceled him lol
Nowadays when you scroll through his twitter it's nothing but constant political virtue signaling lmao that hit piece rotted his brain
He had a YT channel called thisistheplan that was being accused of pandering the alt-right and deleted it afterwards because the backlash was so massive that it almost canceled him lol
Nowadays when you scroll through his twitter it's nothing but constant political virtue signaling lmao that hit piece rotted his brain
i had no idea about any of this at the time & just watched his reviews casually so bought into the narrative that this was just a misguided hit piece and didn't read it
but then looking back seeing he did interviews with sam hyde and said the n word hard r and stuff in a idubbz way i was like oh wait. i do think he's changed genuinely and not a cynical recalculation to create distance from this stuff but it definitely was weird. it isn't like he was young at this time
i dont care about reviews tbh - relapse was slammed by critics and i love that album
i dont know why so many people are waiting for needle drop opinion -even he told people , this is just my opinion right , yet , some people form their opinion based on his reviews.....
He had a YT channel called thisistheplan that was being accused of pandering the alt-right and deleted it afterwards because the backlash was so massive that it almost canceled him lol
Nowadays when you scroll through his twitter it's nothing but constant political virtue signaling lmao that hit piece rotted his brain
crazy how fantano endorsed and supported guys like Sam Hyde who is known for his edgy shock humor and association with the alt right and actual Nazis but since he got called out for it tries so hard to be the polar opposite
i had no idea about any of this at the time & just watched his reviews casually so bought into the narrative that this was just a misguided hit piece and didn't read it
but then looking back seeing he did interviews with sam hyde and said the n word hard r and stuff in a idubbz way i was like oh wait. i do think he's changed genuinely and not a cynical recalculation to create distance from this stuff but it definitely was weird. it isn't like he was young at this time
He use to be on that SJW hate train back in 2015/16 when it was trendy to hate on SJWs and then he become the biggest snowflake ever after the hit piece article blew over crazy how the threat of your livelihood can do a whole 180 on your persona
i had no idea about any of this at the time & just watched his reviews casually so bought into the narrative that this was just a misguided hit piece and didn't read it
but then looking back seeing he did interviews with sam hyde and said the n word hard r and stuff in a idubbz way i was like oh wait. i do think he's changed genuinely and not a cynical recalculation to create distance from this stuff but it definitely was weird. it isn't like he was young at this time
he was in his30s or late 20's. not like he can't change but still feels a bit disingenuous imo.
crazy how fantano endorsed and supported guys like Sam Hyde who is known for his edgy shock humor and association with the alt right and actual Nazis but since he got called out for it tries so hard to be the polar opposite
This was him back in his early 20s and his dumbass fans wanna try to excuse his past behavior acting like he was some cringe 14 yr old CoD4 lobby edgelord who didn't know any better
This guy claims to have morals but is a MASSIVE hypocrite who doesn't practice what he supposedly preaches lmao
He had a YT channel called thisistheplan that was being accused of pandering the alt-right and deleted it afterwards because the backlash was so massive that it almost canceled him lol
Nowadays when you scroll through his twitter it's nothing but constant political virtue signaling lmao that hit piece rotted his brain
you dont know what youre talking about
i prefer myke c town over needle drop
I def prefer DEHH videos over Needledrop, they’re funny af and I can just put them on in the background. Not trying to hear that nerd Fantano talk about “wailing synths”
I def prefer DEHH videos over Needledrop, they’re funny af and I can just put them on in the background. Not trying to hear that nerd Fantano talk about “wailing synths”
too bad myke left dehh - ever since then it is not the same
you dont know what youre talking about
Whatever you say fantano core hipster
first half of the album is some of the worst music I put my ear to this year. second half of the album is decent by Eminems standards
first half of the album is some of the worst music I put my ear to this year. second half of the album is decent by Eminems standards
You listened to the album in reverse?
nah he's right
'hur dur political' is some of the most trite criticism to take at fantano because it changes nobodys day until he gives an unfavorable review and the fans jump on his neck for anything they can find. bro removed channel before the the hit piece arrived and fader since then removed the article, which by the way was written by an intern as the very first article for them. literally some jorno grad grasping at straws and dumbasses running with this like he dropped some crazy truth bombs over goddamn eminem no less