F*** me, I ment Revival LOL. That's how little I listen to it, I'v deleted it from my mind.
Yeah Revival a different level of garbage lol
relapse is stiil fresh and better album than doss
I agree.
As I let things settle in more, i've come to the conclusion that "Relapse" is still the superior album. I would rank the new album slightly below it.
love the verses on love game but that hook and beat imo are so bad.
especially with the hype up of it being em and kendrick first collab
Eminem IG
Oh s***. Damn near gonna buy it cuz I wanted the whole album without going on YouTube
relapse is stiil fresh and better album than doss
Relapse is better than most albums
love the verses on love game but that hook and beat imo are so bad.
especially with the hype up of it being em and kendrick first collab
I would love to hear Kendrick on something like Evil or Antichrist. That classic Em sound.
Nah looking at the tracklist for Relapse + Refill it's hard to beat that album
Nah looking at the tracklist for Relapse + Refill it's hard to beat that album
I just can’t get into Relapse.
Like I just legitimately don’t see what everyone sees in that album
Deja Vu, My Darling, Careful what you wish for, Stay Wide Awake, Same Song And Dance are just beautiful.......
Are you suppose to listen to this backwards?
Like I just legitimately don’t see what everyone sees in that album
I wouldnt defend the content but the mix on that album is so crispy all the beats feel so big and his flow was crazy that era
Same Song & Dance coulda been an all time Eminem song if he made it about a one night stand with a stripper or something rather than the actual topic
But Dejavu and Beautiful are some of Eminem’s best songs
Relapse is his best album post TES to me but this is probably 2nd
Im not even that into it but its pretty solid
And Shady XV is just the biggest piece of dog s***
I don’t trust anyone that doesn’t have Relapse ATLEAST in their top 4 Em albums
Also the South Paw soundtrack is pretty s*** too
If eminem can do anything it's waste a good feature on a skyler gray prewritten
His collabs with Gwen stefani and Alicia keys are so damn generic lmao
All da sudden I had this random thought after seeing endless comment sections of older stans doin the most, calling newer gens soft
First thing I thought since Eminem was such a huge global star, did ppl back then actually romanticize all da toxicity and hate he was spewing about, cause looking back as an older guy ( I know it's art but art reflects life and he himself said it on this album,he was acting out of immaturity) alot of it seemed like the rage diaries of a somewhat teenage kid, venting about, specially for example his undeniable hatred with women, def stemming from his childhood traumas
And his very toxic relationship with his ex wife
And the fact that he has now been single for decades
I mean are there so many ppl on da world that actually relate to this toxicity?
Is toxicity somewhat or was it somewhat a norm?
Cause he specifidaarbij cally is one of da very few artists that gets a pass and even today u see 40yr old defending him whomever he attacks, blindly
It's come to the point where I think him saying nigga on a track today, nobody would bat an eye, since most of his fanbase are white folks that really don't care about black culture or people
Now hear me out, he's not the only toxic artist per se but what he articulates does go deeper than most, like very specific attacks
Remind ya of the Mariah Carey thing
I had an amazing Devils Night revisit today off your rec a few weeks ago @SegaDreamFlash been decades and it was much better than I remembered
Curious what you think of TDOSS?