Nah looking at the tracklist for Relapse + Refill it's hard to beat that album
People acting like My Mom and Bagpipes From Baghdad etc aren't amongst the worst rap songs ever recorded is so confusing to me
Are you suppose to listen to this backwards?
It's a popular theory on twitter but in practice makes no sense. The concept is very loose as is lol
People acting like My Mom and Bagpipes From Baghdad etc aren't amongst the worst rap songs ever recorded is so confusing to me
Bagpipes is hilarious, insane is the bad of the bad
Bagpipes is hilarious, insane is the bad of the bad
I don't think it's possible for anybody that was older than 14 when it came out to thinks it's anything less than painfully annoying
Theres at least a handful of them on there
I don't think it's possible for anybody that was older than 14 when it came out to thinks it's anything less than painfully annoying
Theres at least a handful of them on there
The beat
That song is like encore only with less dogshit rapping and an actual banger beat
The beat
That song is like encore only with less dogshit rapping and an actual banger beat
As a stan through the SSLP-TES era, nothing after 8 Mile was actually good until now
I had an amazing Devils Night revisit today off your rec a few weeks ago @SegaDreamFlash been decades and it was much better than I remembered
Curious what you think of TDOSS?
I’ve been busy haven’t had time to check it out.
How do you feel?
As a stan through the SSLP-TES era, nothing after 8 Mile was actually good until now
There's some good here but also still alot of forgettable mid. What sets this one apart from the other new eminem albums is it has some of his old sarcastic wit which the others didnt and a few glimpses of his old style
I’ve been busy haven’t had time to check it out.
How do you feel?
Last thing I ever expected after two decades of pure suck a return to form. Still a few iffy moments but no more than were already starting to creep in with Eminem Show.
That Renaissance flow is so good man. S*** really picks ups where TES left off.
Last thing I ever expected after two decades of pure suck a return to form. Still a few iffy moments but no more than were already starting to creep in with Eminem Show.
This album is barely better than the last few tbh the content just sucks. No replay value despite being well put together for the first 13 tracks and mostly musically passable with some good moments of nostalgia. The slim shady angle is just very unappealing
If you cut out some filler it's just as good as the first 3 albums.
But I appreciate him having it because I just like listening to eminems goofiness.
If he really wants perfection he should do like a 10-11 song album. But I appreciate what I get from him. I just never understood why he always makes long projects
Add When I'm Gone and Shake That take off My 1st Single put We As Americans as the intro n it's a huge step up imo n i agree with the confusion on his long album pattern
I’d put all 3 Encore bonus tracks over the comedy/pill rap songs, add When I’m Gone, No Apologies, Bully, and Go To Sleep
People acting like My Mom and Bagpipes From Baghdad etc aren't amongst the worst rap songs ever recorded is so confusing to me
My Mom? One of the highlights of relapse, what are you talking about lmao.
That Renaissance flow is so good man. S*** really picks ups where TES left off.
Closer to his Bump Heads flow than TES imo
I’d put all 3 Encore bonus tracks over the comedy/pill rap songs, add When I’m Gone, No Apologies, Bully, and Go To Sleep
Been thinking this forever now
Been thinking this forever now
Here’s my revised tracklist. I know No Apologies was 2006 but he basically reused verses from a 99 era freestyle so I guess it could exist in 2004.
Also kept Just Lose It, cause ya know he needed that first goofy single
1. Curtains Up
2. We As Americans
3. Bully
4. Never Enough
5. Like Toy Soldiers
6. Mosh
7. Ricky Ticky Tock
8. Emulate
9. Paul
10. Love You More
11. No Apologies
12. Em Calls Paul
13. Just Lose It
14. Go To Sleep
15. Spend Some Time
16. When I’m Gone
17. Monkey See, Monkey Do
18. Halie’s Revenge
19. Final Thought
20. Encore
My Mom? One of the highlights of relapse, what are you talking about lmao.
Some turbo trash
Here’s my revised tracklist. I know No Apologies was 2006 but he basically reused verses from a 99 era freestyle so I guess it could exist in 2004.
Also kept Just Lose It, cause ya know he needed that first goofy single
1. Curtains Up
2. We As Americans
3. Bully
4. Never Enough
5. Like Toy Soldiers
6. Mosh
7. Ricky Ticky Tock
8. Emulate
9. Paul
10. Love You More
11. No Apologies
12. Em Calls Paul
13. Just Lose It
14. Go To Sleep
15. Spend Some Time
16. When I’m Gone
17. Monkey See, Monkey Do
18. Halie’s Revenge
19. Final Thought
20. Encore
Better than all of his albums he released since
bro imagine getting to actually talk to eminem and then he gives you a hug and thanks you
bro i dont think i could ever meet him, i would be too nervous man i'd be s***ting myself that's insane