if you got your wisdom teeth removed congratulations you got scammed
someone doesnt care about themself
got mine out and played a full 40 minute basketball game in 95 degree weather the next day
Got all 4 taken out
Remember sitting in the chair. They were putting me out.
Thought s*** this stuff isn’t working, give me more. I said give me more. Next thing I know I’m in the car getting driven away by my mom
That s*** ain’t no joke
Took pain killers for a day, then instantly got off those the next day. Ate soft foods for a week. Was fine
My fear is that my ktt s*** post side will start coming out when I’m under the sedation period and I’ll start talking about fem cocks, cum, and kanye memes
got mine out and played a full 40 minute basketball game in 95 degree weather the next day
U didnt score a single time, nothing but air
if you got your wisdom teeth removed congratulations you got scammed
A day of pure IV d**** and a bottle of percs and no pain or complications
I won
Yeah facts this whole ordeal makes me want to take my dental health way more seriously. In 2017 they told me I had cavities on every single one of my teeth and I havent done s*** about that either lol
Damn, you still alive OP?
Just got all four of mine pulled the other day…not really sure why they gave me opioids and told me to ice my mouth. There’s literally no swelling or pain, was a breeze
if you got your wisdom teeth removed congratulations you got scammed
They gave me ketamine, fentanyl, and Dilaudid. I don't feel scammed
Just got all four of mine pulled the other day…not really sure why they gave me opioids and told me to ice my mouth. There’s literally no swelling or pain, was a breeze
I keep refreshing doordash and ubereats looking for soups bro, I just got some mashed potatoes and lobster bisque. The f***ed up thing is my insurance only starts January 1st so I hope theyll give me antibiotics or something before my surgery.
'I keep refreshing doordash and ubereats looking for soups bro' is a really funny sentence
A day of pure IV d**** and a bottle of percs and no pain or complications
I won
Yeah facts this whole ordeal makes me want to take my dental health way more seriously. In 2017 they told me I had cavities on every single one of my teeth and I havent done s*** about that either lol
you couldn't beat this out of me with a baseball bat. i would die before admitting this--even anonymously. good on op for having less of an ego than i do
Yep,I can remember plain as day waking up trying to talk with bloody cotton balls in my mouth asking "have ya'll stsrted yet" lol
Nah, but I do remember when they were starting to grow and that it was painful for some days but I stuck through it and it eventually settled down by itself.
Just got a back tooth extracted today and bruh I feel like I'm over dying
Were u put under