the word loser has been over used so much that it has lost its meaning.
what does it actually mean?
I’ve read up on The Red Pill I don’t fully agree with their ideologies but they do be making good points ngl.
loser and MGTOW niggas tho?
I disagree and I think this is a another case of ad hominem.
No different than calling someone who speaks about woman’s issues a lonely bitter woman.
When it comes to stuff like this Let’s argue the ideas and not place labels on people because they have different opinions/stances than you do
End thread right here.
Men have natural entitlement issues, which is to be expected in a society which caters to men at every turn.
One women curving you ass leading you to be an loser and turn violent towards women is ridiculous but it kinda makes sense!
Idk It’s definitely a lot of hurt guys but when do we start accounting for the fact that most of the abuse done to women isn’t by sad nerds on the internet but by men who feel they have power over women?
Like do folks really think the average “loser” on the internet has a more toxic perception of women than a typical frat boy?
Yes. And I love making fun of them for it. It gets right in their feelings and they slowly turn to self destructive behavior because of it. It brings joy to cause chaos to bad people. 🙂
Kate Manne just released a new work about this very thing, I have it sitting on my desk to hopefully get to over the next month.
In this bold and stylish critique, Cornell philosopher Kate Manne offers a radical new framework for understanding misogyny. Ranging widely across the culture, from Harvey Weinstein and the Brett Kavanaugh hearings to "Cat Person" and the political misfortunes of Elizabeth Warren, Manne's book shows how privileged men's sense of entitlement - to sex, yes, but more insidiously to admiration, care, bodily autonomy, knowledge, and power - is a pervasive social problem with often devastating consequences.
Mfs get ghosted by a girl one time and all of a sudden they start googling "wage gap debunked" and s***
Niggas see their crush fall for a "chad" and start talking about why women that get abortions are murderers
It's weird af bro
that first line got me laughing so hard oh my god broooo
yup and the unfortunate thing now is that the 16 years old boy that got curved for the first time just hopped on google and found an loser forum and played himself out of ever getting girls ever
Idk It’s definitely a lot of hurt guys but when do we start accounting for the fact that most of the abuse done to women isn’t by sad nerds on the internet but by men who feel they have power over women?
Like do folks really think the average “loser” on the internet has a more toxic perception of women than a typical frat boy?
both types of ppl may feel entitled to some degree which is the problem
I agree but this is definitely gender neutral
I’ve noticed that involvement in misanthropic, extremist politics is often a symptom of depression
I’ve noticed that involvement in misanthropic, extremist politics is often a symptom of depression
Yep and sexually frustrated.
yup and the unfortunate thing now is that the 16 years old boy that got curved for the first time just hopped on google and found an loser forum and played himself out of ever getting girls ever
If that’s all it took they ain’t deserve em in the first place they can have fun in they weirdo sausage fest
Idk bro I just enjoy the phase when a girl tells me about the guy before me & how he was a douche & in my mind am like “this bout to happen again lol”
So is the wage gap actually a myth or not? I’ve seen cacs online say that but I’m not about get my information from them.