So is the wage gap actually a myth or not? I’ve seen cacs online say that but I’m not about get my information from them.
It’s real but simply saying woman only make x amount of what men make is disingenuous and doesn’t tell the complete story
Another thread where a man says "maybe we should do better" and the same 3 broken men on this forum say "you're a p**** b****". 🥱
Another thread where a man says "maybe we should do better" and the same 3 broken men on this forum say "you're a p**** b****". 🥱
Why do niggas have to be broken? It’s just a dumb unrealistic thread. No ones turning into a woman hater because they got left on read.
Same thing with that man cave thread from the other day
Yeah its f***ing insane I used to read loser material and stuff like that cause i was bitter about not getting women & they really invent psuedo scientific bullshit just to feed their own egos. No women are not "biologically hardwired" to act a certain way Just some bullshit that takes advantage of lonely men & narcissists claiming to be somehow superior "alpha men". Improved my mental health a lot once I stopped reading that garbage
Why do niggas have to be broken? It’s just a dumb unrealistic thread. No ones turning into a woman hater because they got left on read.
Same thing with that man cave thread from the other day
Men literally do be turning into losers at the drop of a fedora man
All these alt right & sexist groups are just crab buckets that want to drag you down to feed their own egos because the people in them can't accept their own flaws & instead invent ludicrous theories to justify why things the way they are for them. Like cults basically
Men literally do be turning into losers at the drop of a fedora man
I’m just not buying it
And what are we defining as being hateful/ignorant anyway?
loser is just a buzzword that lost its specific meaning at this point, and a strawman for KTT users to compare themselves to.
fr so annoying seeing it thrown around here
So is the wage gap actually a myth or not? I’ve seen cacs online say that but I’m not about get my information from them.
it exists but there's numerous factors. when you don't control for variables and measure across all fields, then yeah they make on average $.77-.79 on the $1 that men make.
IIRC if you compare based on identical experience, career field, and education it's really like $.93 on the $1 that men make, which suggests some discrimination still exists albeit not nearly as much as a lot of people would suggest.
not to mention lifestyle differences between men and women, especially women who have kids, has a huge effect on earning potential which muddies this even further (it's why paid parental leave is such an important issue that should definitely be looked at).
I’ve noticed that involvement in misanthropic, extremist politics is often a symptom of depression
It's in the DSM-5
Yeah I'm not saying most men who had bad dating experiences become super reactionary or smth
I tried warning you mfs about these fresh and fit type niggas
You’re a sicko for bumping this
You’re a sicko for bumping this
Nah but fr the effects of the bandemic rly made this more relevant than ever tbh
I tried warning you mfs about these fresh and fit type niggas
Misogynistic losers existed before Fresh and Fit and this thread. Not sure why you think you predicted the future with this one
Nah but fr the effects of the bandemic rly made this more relevant than ever tbh
imagine if i could bump my collapse thread with this line
Misogynistic losers existed before Fresh and Fit and this thread. Not sure why you think you predicted the future with this one
U will not deny the prophecy
Misogynistic losers existed before Fresh and Fit and this thread. Not sure why you think you predicted the future with this one
Nah but im mostly joking losers existed long before but s\*\*\* def got worse these past 2 years
Mfs get ghosted by a girl one time and all of a sudden they start googling "wage gap debunked" and s***
Niggas see their crush fall for a "chad" and start talking about why women that get abortions are murderers
It's weird af bro
they go on a tangent for hundreds of days. the end result is they do more harm than good 😳
let’s take miss usa who just killed herself. she was miss usa but she said she had people making vomit emojis on her ig wall because she had ab’s and muscles. she never felt secure because they really didn’t want her body type accepted.
my main point in all of this is: nobody really should rant about women, their looks, their sexual habits
it’s more than toxic. you see it even in this place.
and ….this is why girls growing up with instagram/fb are going to face worse bouts with attempted suicide/suicide because of toxic losers in their life
no one should have any time for this s***.