be honest
don’t care if yall have a kid
you take care of her
met her parents
i’ve seen it all, women of all spectrums desire some type of authentic connection with an opposite force. She settled for the nice guy? she wants the attractive edgy nigga to turn her on next…
she got the man with money? she still waiting for the emotional support guy to make sure she still has a heart. It is what it is. I’ve been and seen both sides.
I’m just flabbergasted on how much your average men put women in a pedestal knowing the moment that AVERAGE ass women gets more of a green light to come f*** on niggas like me than yall do. Cause they know it’s just a status thing just as much as men do.
Frankly you know from jump if that woman would cheat on you… i don’t feel remorse for yall anymore it’s just a pattern u seem to always replicate. everybody is just an experience. marriage shouldn’t even happen until our 40s for nearly EVERYONE. This is a hot take in 2025 but i can smell where we are headed and will all understand soon. None of us should be trying to find love in our 20s or 30s. it is FLEETING and not meant to last unless you enjoy hating/fake liking your spouse. Which is what our elders do for too long. only heavy religious folks will care for marriage soon. This is my ted talk.
Honestly can't imagine putting that much thought and energy into someone potentially cheating. Sad way to live
I have found peace in being independent and single. I feel like marriage is just a game for most people or they at least don’t take it seriously enough. You had a ceremony with all your friends and family to unify and become one by the power of God (usually), so like 5 years down the road you guys can have a messy divorce and confuse your children or keep pushing until one of you cracks and kills the other.
You gotta really like someone to live the rest of your life with that person. I mean love that person. Seeing people get married like right out of school or after knowing someone for like a year or two is crazy to me.
But nah I don’t think about them cheating unless I start seeing signs I guess. It’s happened to me before. She tried to get with my friend. But that’s in the past and you can’t let your past get to you
every man replicates the same patterns with women like holidays year in year out and vice versa. Even your success with women? they aren’t special… mine aren’t special and i in a position most men would dream of. i promise you it’s nothing that special.
We hear the SAME stories repackaged over and over again with different characters . I’m tired. IDC anymore. None of your relationship problems are special yall. I promise to god strike my down tomorrow morning if i’m wrong.
either tell a new story or stfu at this point. humanity has peaked truly
Honestly can't imagine putting that much thought and energy into someone potentially cheating. Sad way to live
i don’t think about women cheating because i have the privilege of women not even caring for commitment with me… the same women who post how men need to treat them a certain way.. yet they will have give the men they really like a pass.
ima keep saying it… they are playing the same game we are and yall shouldn’t even be trying to revert them back, it’s a done deal. If you found one that’s still stuck in that trad mode cool but i’m speaking to the men in this dating game thinking it’s supposed to be like how our parents or grandparents had it lol
i don’t think about women cheating because i have the privilege of women not even caring for commitment with me… the same women who post how men need to treat them a certain way.. yet they will have give the men they really like a pass.
ima keep saying it… they are playing the same game we are and yall shouldn’t even be trying to revert them back, it’s a done deal. If you found one that’s still stuck in that trad mode cool but i’m speaking to the men in this dating game thinking it’s supposed to be like how our parents or grandparents had it lol
you might just need to go gay bro //
you might just need to go gay bro //
if i was saying i can’t keep a women it would be different cause ik what you tryna get at
but i’ve had to witness and endure too many instances where every principle a man is told to stand by is clowned on by even your woman’s family. s*** that only money could potentially patch up but otherwise yall are just caricatures
i’d classify this as a crash out thread. It’s fine with me but i will collect my thoughts, journal s*** down to put more of y’all on game. We have all these tools to our disposal but still got sucked into playing the same outdated games our elders played with relationships. all to make them proud even though we live by different rules… you (we) played ourselves
You really can't have healthy functioning relationships in general without some level of benefit of the doubt. Not saying don't be vigilant, but I can't imagine being paranoid as a happier option.
Not if they depend on me
While U chilling
Ur crush is getting
F***ed rn
Honestly can't imagine putting that much thought and energy into someone potentially cheating. Sad way to live
it’s not about the thought, this legit how a lot of women are moving today and their friends are enabling it. there is victory in “get yours by any means on these men” and also “well I’m liking it, so I’m not gonna stop it” type s*** that’s running rampant like crazy rn. Niggas with entire wives cheating on their wives and it’s ain’t even physical! Mostly emotional and financial
i’d classify this as a crash out thread. It’s fine with me but i will collect my thoughts, journal s*** down to put more of y’all on game. We have all these tools to our disposal but still got sucked into playing the same outdated games our elders played with relationships. all to make them proud even though we live by different rules… you (we) played ourselves
nah you spitting. I don’t think we’re realizing yet how much western society social standards have shifted in a very short time thanks to social media and increasing demands economically and the lasting effects it’s having on relationships dynamics and why trying to function as the past doesn’t work today for the most part
i really didn’t want to believe it…but when I’ve heard so many PROUD stories from women otherwise and I’ve seen how easy it is for an attractive guy to get his hands around and flirt with a married woman…in the same room as her man!!! it kinda just opens your eyes to what’s going on in these streets. It’s treacherous times. Find a boring girl
nah you spitting. I don’t think we’re realizing yet how much western society social standards have shifted in a very short time thanks to social media and increasing demands economically and the lasting effects it’s having on relationships dynamics and why trying to function as the past doesn’t work today for the most part
i really didn’t want to believe it…but when I’ve heard so many PROUD stories from women otherwise and I’ve seen how easy it is for an attractive guy to get his hands around and flirt with a married woman…in the same room as her man!!! it kinda just opens your eyes to what’s going on in these streets. It’s treacherous times. Find a boring girl
Find a boring girl
nah you spitting. I don’t think we’re realizing yet how much western society social standards have shifted in a very short time thanks to social media and increasing demands economically and the lasting effects it’s having on relationships dynamics and why trying to function as the past doesn’t work today for the most part
i really didn’t want to believe it…but when I’ve heard so many PROUD stories from women otherwise and I’ve seen how easy it is for an attractive guy to get his hands around and flirt with a married woman…in the same room as her man!!! it kinda just opens your eyes to what’s going on in these streets. It’s treacherous times. Find a boring girl
People saying we'll be officially entering a recession in 2026 and then heading off the economic cliff in 2030. I'd recommend you fellas focus on stacking ya bread cos things are gonna get crazier. People focused on playing stupid relationship games are going to find out they've spent all their energy/time on the wrong things too late.
People saying we'll be officially entering a recession in 2026 and then heading off the economic cliff in 2030. I'd recommend you fellas focus on stacking ya bread cos things are gonna get crazier. People focused on playing stupid relationship games are going to find out they've spent all their energy/time on the wrong things too late.