That was two years back. The whole dynamic is different now. I had actually left her shortly after that for something unrelated and she begged me to come back. She’s stepped up her game since then.
you dont value yourself then
i srsly doubt it she'll always see you as a soft person that took her back
everyone agrees with this. what is suspect is complaining about "this generation of women" and acting like your grandma owed your granddaddy something in an era where she couldn't have her own bank account and could barely get a job. surely you must understand why women do not want to be tied down in the same way past generations were.
you dont value yourself then
i srsly doubt it she'll always see you as a soft person that took her back
I didn’t leave her cause of that. I left her because her friends had too much influence on our relationship. I also wanted to f*** someone else without feeling bad. Once I was done with the other girl, I took her back. Had been with her 5 years up to that point. I’m just comfortable with her. I’m simple.
This nigga spitting