just a kid from the gutter never had much really. pimped out the military to my benefit
working towards a CS degree rn making pretty good money. I hope to make a difference in this world through technology
Also hope I can start a lil record label or somethin someday too would be dope
just a kid from the gutter never had much really. pimped out the military to my benefit
working towards a CS degree rn making pretty good money. I hope to make a difference in this world through technology
Also hope I can start a lil record label or somethin someday too would be dope
military might help u with like... a good routine in life i wouldn’t know tho
military might help u with like... a good routine in life i wouldn’t know tho
yeah it for sure makes you more disciplined. I really joined so I could make enough money to help pay for my moms cancer treatment and to move her out of our kinda s***ty neighborhood.
I moved her out to a condo in SD
yeah it for sure makes you more disciplined. I really joined so I could make enough money to help pay for my moms cancer treatment and to move her out of our kinda s***ty neighborhood.
I moved her out to a condo in SD
Spent the last year working on music as a hobby, now am taking a break to learn piano.
I remember talking to someone on here about sheet music, and thats what ive been learning. I hope to have a full project by beginning of spring next year
Wasnt a goal, but I also can say I have two of my designs on a billboard now
Still need to do pizza garage, but worsening relationship with my brother is making it a pipe dream
just mean like putting your money somewhere to stack it up or portfolios or something
yeah just got this job wanna see how i do
since the experience will count and will help me transition where i want
which is abroad
Wasnt a goal, but I also can say I have two of my designs on a billboard now
@op did u post ur dreams in this thread? How are they coming if u did
ill PM u
writer/director/producer for film and tv maybe some music videos for my fav artists like Paul Thomas Anderson does sometime.
i don't have any goals or dreams, i wasn't supposed to live past 19 so in a sense i'm sorta lost? idk. i'm jus happily existing
just a kid from the gutter never had much really. pimped out the military to my benefit
working towards a CS degree rn making pretty good money. I hope to make a difference in this world through technology
Also hope I can start a lil record label or somethin someday too would be dope
stick w/ that CS degree my guy
check for big companies that do pathways and new grad positions. you keep a >=3.0 GPA and they'll basically offer you free handjobs.
i don't have any goals or dreams, i wasn't supposed to live past 19 so in a sense i'm sorta lost? idk. i'm jus happily existing
if u existing happily, thats a major plus,
just gotta find things that feel like you're making your time spent here worth while
tryin be a music journalist
bout get off house arrest, get sum $, get a laptop and grind it out
if u existing happily, thats a major plus,
just gotta find things that feel like you're making your time spent here worth while
big facts
successful within music
whether that's my own music, production, mixing, designing covers
just gotta get my foot in the door
its a start
I would say work a few jobs to support yourself while you're starting your creative s***, until u can get there,
otherwise itll be too much stress on the creative stuff to where it might not be fun anymore if you're really having trouble making a living, thats just my view tho
tryin be a music journalist
bout get off house arrest, get sum $, get a laptop and grind it out
no more b&e's
unless that was a dif ktt user
u been doing any workouts?