I'm just not entertaing this sir. If you were past your beastly state you could see what's being said. Look at where tech is headed, it's inevitable that merging flesh with machine is the next step of humanity. Hence why it's a concept. Evolution is only been a***yzed within this current culture. I don't even think the Romans believed in it. Correct me if I'm wrong. That's why it's a concept or a process. From the current ruling state's beginning as the Wild Man in the 1200s, to their 'Rebirth' in 1492 to Running the world today creating America, experiencing innovation in tech and other industries. Now we're experiencing the 'Great Reset' or another 'rebirth' or Renaissance Era that began in 2019-2021. Moving forward, technology will be the next step in 'evolution' per se. Merging Man with their ultimate creation 'Artificial Intelligence' is bound to happen.
The next step in human evolution is telepathy or hive minds
Why would I want a brain iPhone? Every year I gotta get a new brain
Wild Men, the start of evolution.
Wild Men vs The Moors (message). The beginning of 'their' civilization. Overcoming the beastly state thus enabling a new way of life.
Renaissance Or The Rebirth. Renaissance literally means Rebirth.
Reaching Consciousness. Growing in the fulness of understanding.
2020-2021 is dubbed as The Great Reset. Now they move into the next state of humanity.
The New Man
Religious nuts be like
I’m not sure if this a transhumanism thread or not
It is but some folks are stuck in their beastly nature. Hence the s*** posting and low level responses.
OP, I generally understand what you're putting down, but why does the fact that changes in human sociality in relatively recent historical time can be a***ogized to a process of evolution preclude the empirical reality of Darwinian theory (if that is what you mean by "Evolution Isn't Real")
It goes back to a matter of perspective.
Can someone perceive the concepts being spoken of and push the dialogue further or will they be offended. Resort to either their carnal or emotional way of thinking thus missing the entire purpose of this thread. People feel attacked or challenged when this is thread is about the future rather the past. It's quite interesting actually.
It's easy to use the idea of Adam & Eve joining together to become one flesh. In this instance, it's man and machine. Machine started out as an idea for man, it was able to grow over the years, now the next step is merging the to said 'creations' This is next step of one's said 'evolution'.
The op was ended in speaking about the Age of Aquarius, but damn, only the brotha caught onto that.
It is but some folks are stuck in their beastly nature. Hence the s*** posting and low level responses.
Tbh I lot of us don’t believe in god and are more apt to clown someone who is explicitly religious (on top of making these type of commentary at large about evolution and projections of its future). I’m not going to clown u all the time or much because I know that’s just what we gonna be on in the life section but that’s kinda what ur gonna walk into.
Maybe if u elucidated some of your points or didn’t make the title what it was, or mentioned transhumanism, people would be more open to to thread. But Idk
It goes back to a matter of perspective.
Can someone perceive the concepts being spoken of and push the dialogue further or will they be offended. Resort to either their carnal or emotional way of thinking thus missing the entire purpose of this thread. People feel attacked or challenged when this is thread is about the future rather the past. It's quite interesting actually.
It's easy to use the idea of Adam & Eve joining together to become one flesh. In this instance, it's man and machine. Machine started out as an idea for man, it was able to grow over the years, now the next step is merging the to said 'creations' This is next step of one's said 'evolution'.
The op was ended in speaking about the Age of Aquarius, but damn, only the brotha caught onto that.
Ima b real but some people aren’t offended or feeling attacked they just read this type of talk as dumb when it’s hand waving the superstructural and finer points of Darwinian evolution to then combine or supplant it with some vague a***ogies that rely on cultural references (biblical or otherwise). One involves p rigorous science and the other does not. It happens in every thread like this that talks about god/religion/evolution/humanity in this manner.
I think man can either merge with technology or make those same advancements without technology through heightening their awareness.
This may involve opening and balancing all energy centers and realising who man truly is.
Once done, man will be able to do everything technology is offering without technology.
There's a choice to go deep and really explore your true nature or to go deep into technology and A.I. and make them your new Gods.
It's an exciting and interesting time.
The only truly compelling post in this whole thread tbh
The only truly compelling post in this whole thread tbh
Agreed! Both of @skrt posts are really amazing. This was really ideally where we should be focused on speaking about. Moving into the Age of Aquarius is going to be different.
I prefer to call it growth rather than evolution. For the human to truly grow it needs to first accept that it does not know as much as it thinks it does.
"You don't know what you don't know"
There is so much about the universe that is unexplained and so much of accepted science that is still only theory.
This thread full of ignorant replies. The ignorant will never grow because there is nothing to grow into when you think you know it all already.
That is what the Age Of Aquarius is. The age of information.
We’re currently seeing the other side of this coin, though. Information can now travel and be consumed far quicker than any arbiter can qualify it, which is obviously leading to some serious political problems (I.e. everything 2016 and onward) as well as truly toxic discourse on the major social networks.
We’re in the Information Age, sure. But will we survive it? I’m not optimistic based on how things have gone in the past 5 years let alone everything leading up to it.
Agreed! Both of @skrt posts are really amazing. This was really ideally where we should be focused on speaking about. Moving into the Age of Aquarius is going to be different.
Could you explain OP in more simple non a***ogy kind of terms?
Are you implying evolution isn't real in all creatures, but instead a process of us building us to be improved for the next generation?
Like a concept only created by humans and nothing else?
You know with the rise of information being readily available within the palm of our hands you'd think it'd lead to more enlightened thought.
Instead we've seen a return and rise in: flat earth theory, geocentrism, anti-evolution, and anti-vaccination.
It's like technology seems to be getting smarter, while humanity just gets dumber
Crine at OP’s comparing “stages” of human evolution to art pieces throughout the ages. Even terms like wild men and The Moors?
OP is right. The Great Reset began with the release of WLR and we are now in what could be considered a second enlightenment
You know with the rise of information being readily available within the palm of our hands you'd think it'd lead to more enlightened thought.
Instead we've seen a return and rise in: flat earth theory, geocentrism, anti-evolution, and anti-vaccination.
It's like technology seems to be getting smarter, while humanity just gets dumber
Thanks for reading but sir, this isn't what the thread is about. Look at the next step and progression of humanity and not the past. If you're familiar with the concept of the Age of Aquarius or your thoughts on the future of the humanity than feel free to respond.