Agreed! Both of @skrt posts are really amazing. This was really ideally where we should be focused on speaking about. Moving into the Age of Aquarius is going to be different.
OP, I need to agree with the other folks ITT saying you're not going to be taken as seriously while steeping your posts in religious rhetoric and take it a step further. I honestly believe that in order to truly assess the modern age of information, you can't do so through the lens of dogma without first inspecting it.
Consider how some of the greatest stoic philosophers viewed religion. Start with Aquinas and then consider Russell as a counterpoint, if you've not already. Then, consider whether there's actually a benefit in viewing the world through the teachings of a religion (the source of which is as ambiguously human as it could be divine) or if it's actually a crutch.
I personally believe, as someone raised Catholic, that there is no benefit to any ideology that claims to provide truth about what happens after death. None of us know, and there's something truly calming about that to me. We'll get there when we get there. In the meantime, stripping away that context as well as the warped morals of modern organized religion helps me contextualize the world on my own terms much more.
If we're truly entering or in the Age of Aquarius, and I think we might be, then anyone seeking enlightenment needs to seek ego death via the inspection of their core beliefs. Doesn't necessarily mean that you need to come out the other side as an atheist; I'm personally agnostic, but your conclusion might be different. I just very much believe, based on the conversations I've had with devout Catholics both willing and unwilling to set aside their belief structure in search of truth, that you're best served with a healthy understanding of agnostic perspective.
Could you explain OP in more simple non a***ogy kind of terms?
Are you implying evolution isn't real in all creatures, but instead a process of us building us to be improved for the next generation?
Like a concept only created by humans and nothing else?
Is transhumanism the next step to building the 'perfect man'? If not what is.
Also what is The Age of Aquarius?
Is transhumanism the next step to building the 'perfect man'? If not what is.
Also what is The Age of Aquarius?
Ah okay I see.
I think perfect man doesn't exist. It's the same old problem of building it to always be better.
I don't think our skin and bodies are human, but our brains and the soul connected to it is.
I do think there is a percentage of how much of us that can be replaced before we technically are not ourselves. That limit to me is just the head by itself. Maybe the heart to an extent.
@op the Renaissance is very euro centric idea so wouldn’t that alone prove your theory wrong? While the Renaissance was happening in Europe China and the rest of the world was doing their own thing
Evolution is a tough thing to digest, it's a slow process
And I ain’t got nothing but time
Yea man, this isn't the point of the thread. It's about the marriage of Technology and Humanity. This being the next step of 'evolution'
This site can be so basic man lmao
A lot of people on this site aren’t interested in discussion and trying to learn new perspectives. For them, it’s about feeling superior, smarter, shutting out opinions that challenge their worldview, gotcha moments etc. I appreciate this thread but unfortunately this is the wrong site for this type of discussion.
I'm just not entertaing this sir. If you were past your beastly state you could see what's being said. Look at where tech is headed, it's inevitable that merging flesh with machine is the next step of humanity. Hence why it's a concept. Evolution is only been a***yzed within this current culture. I don't even think the Romans believed in it. Correct me if I'm wrong. That's why it's a concept or a process. From the current ruling state's beginning as the Wild Man in the 1200s, to their 'Rebirth' in 1492 to Running the world today creating America, experiencing innovation in tech and other industries. Now we're experiencing the 'Great Reset' or another 'rebirth' or Renaissance Era that began in 2019-2021. Moving forward, technology will be the next step in 'evolution' per se. Merging Man with their ultimate creation 'Artificial Intelligence' is bound to happen.
No s*** the Romans didnt believe in it, it wasn’t theorized until a thousand years later
No s*** the Romans didnt believe in it, it wasn’t theorized until a thousand years later
Thread is a fever dream
Op watched one too many android p*** videos and now is fantasizing about a robotic s***doll for his pleasure
It's a concept or a process. Think 2001 a space odyssey. From beast state, born into Man, searching for the next step, they reach into the ether or space... then they're born again as a baby. A new concept.
In this process, we see this pattern today.
Man started out as the 'Wild Men' in the "Dark Ages". Once they had succeeded this mindset they then could then remove their beastly behavior and thus start the current civilization we live in. Being able to properly shave and bathe themselves, there are Easter Eggs dropped in leu of their previous beastly state, think Big Foot or the film Harry & The Henderson's. Shrek even quite frankly.
Now today, we have Western Society, modern engineering, innovation etc. What's interesting however, is that we're presented with this next step into the evolution of the so called Man. Man is The current dominant society.
The next step for Man is Merging Man with Machine. The modern Adam and Eve. Eve or Technology came forth from Man and now two must become one flesh. Ai & other forms of Transhumanism is the next phase of 'evolution' per se. It was just last year we were presented with the random monoliths, this might be a signal that this current state of consciousness is ready to take a step forward. To partake in the Knowledge of Good & Evil.
Some call this period we're in, The Age of Aquarius. Anyone familiar please include information.
Lol bars