indentured servitude isnt really the same as slavery tho
The fact that we glorifying bombing Japan & justifying it is so wild
I was in the 4th grade believing the bombing of Heroshima & Nagasaki was necessary
The same with the bombing of dresden in germany in 2 ww
The fact that we glorifying bombing Japan & justifying it is so wild
I was in the 4th grade believing the bombing of Heroshima & Nagasaki was necessary
Correct me if I’m wrong but hadn’t Japan already surrendered and they drop the bomb anyway to test it?
Correct me if I’m wrong but hadn’t Japan already surrendered and they drop the bomb anyway to test it?
I thought they surrendered after the bombs
The same with the bombing of dresden in germany in 2 ww
I honestly don’t even know anything about this
The rewritten history on the nukes in japan is kinda funny cuz they are rewriting history themselves.
They were much worse than nazi germany in the second world war.
Much more cruel. Just google unit 731 and the rape of nanking
No wonder china kinda hates them
The rewritten history on the nukes in japan is kinda funny cuz they are rewriting history themselves.
They were much worse than nazi germany in the second world war.
Much more cruel. Just google unit 731 and the rape of nanking
No wonder china kinda hates them
much worse than germany?
The rewritten history on the nukes in japan is kinda funny cuz they are rewriting history themselves.
They were much worse than nazi germany in the second world war.
Much more cruel. Just google unit 731 and the rape of nanking
No wonder china kinda hates them
The doctors from unit 731 were given immunity by the US too
the european union was financing libya (ghaddafi) to "collect" all africans who tried to move to europe from africa. Then he put them labour camps or sold them.
They paid this mothafucka billions to act as a border guard.
There is a reason why the big refugee stream in europe happened when libya and gaddafi got in a bad crisis (arab spring/civil war).
Seen by who? The rat/cockroach hybrids that are the only thing to live through the nuclear holocaust X climate change collab?
im tryna reincarnate as a plastic eating cockroach
The native american moved peacefully to make room for the colonists
Seth Rogan tweeted about how he was taught that Palestine was empty before Jewish people mass migrated there after ww2 and there was no one there just an empty barren land
I’m confused what’re you getting at ?
It was unethical regardless of if a cure was created from all that madness
No doubt
But if we’re trying to clarify history let’s get the facts straight
Half truths can be equally, if not more dangerous
The stuff in OP is well-known entry level stuff
Google Anatoly Fomenko
Seth Rogan tweeted about how he was taught that Palestine was empty before Jewish people mass migrated there after ww2 and there was no one there just an empty barren land
Yep that's how it was taught in Quebec until like 2000.
Gandhi aint that good peaceful man like the media potrays
Nigga was a racist tap dancer. I still got a book i need to read bout that
New Green Deal isn’t a form of government control. It’s Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21 with a different name.
Bat Creek Stones and ancient Native American Mounds. 10 commandments written in Paleo Hebrew found in Ohio.
b-b-b- but
Yes, they’re almost the same. Both don’t have black men in their vision and are anti black nuclear family.
KKK is policy whereas BLM is just a temporary movement
Not just an American thing but the west doesn’t talk about the atrocities they committed or ever publicly apologized and attempted to make amends for everything they’ve done in Africa. But the (redacted) get reparations and apologies and never forgotten when they didn’t have to endure half the suffering African people did.