  • Nov 10, 2020
    1 reply

    I grew up knowing Benjamin Banneker was behind the White House. Nowadays he’s removed from history.

  • Nov 10, 2020
    1 reply
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Not just an American thing but the west doesn’t talk about the atrocities they committed or ever publicly apologized and attempted to make amends for everything they’ve done in Africa. But the (redacted) get reparations and apologies and never forgotten when they didn’t have to endure half the suffering African people did.

    Same with Germany, as they performed the Holocaust first in Africa.

  • 24stills

    Same with Germany, as they performed the Holocaust first in Africa.

    Yep. Look at what the Belgians, Germans, British..etc had committed and done in Africa. It’s funny because to me during World War II both sides were evil but people act like the “allies” were the good guys when they really had done the same s*** the Germans did..but you know the blacker the skin and the nappier hair the less they care.

  • Nov 10, 2020


    But teenagers on Tik Tok trying re-appropriate who or what made AF1s popular.


  • Nov 10, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    literally animals


  • Nov 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah that s*** woulda existed even if they didn’t get nuked

  • Nov 10, 2020
    Sunny Sun

    1. The Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the fact that the CDC were injecting syphilis into over 600 African Americans telling them it was free health care from the f***ing government

    Why the f*** isn’t this in our history books

    2. A lot of gynecology breakthroughs & information came from unethical experiments on black women

    3. Black men fighting constant wars for the US during slavery & segregation but having 0 rights

    4. The White House was burned down twice

    White people hate having the s*** they did brought up

  • Nov 10, 2020

    Nigga was a racist tap dancer. I still got a book i need to read bout that

    Not to mention the nigga insisted he sleep naked with his niece

  • Nov 10, 2020

    In fact most US high school history curriculum stops shortly after WWII. I took APUSH and we maybe got to the cuban missiles crisis and then my teacher just told us what we needed to know for the state test that happened after that (watergate, reagan lowered taxes)

    Never once had I heard the word “CIA” in that class and have since read so much about its impact

    I took a class in college about 1877-present and the ‘53 Iran coup and Iran-Contra were mentioned, but not in great detail

  • Nov 10, 2020
    1 reply
    HURRY UP sab

    American history doesn’t teach about anything bad the USA did, and if they do, it’s painted in a good light. like slavery, where certain textbooks claim “some slaves were treated nicely”


    history teachers only become history teachers so they can o***** while taking a hot steaming dump all over America. they love it.

    and in this country you don't get sent to jail for teaching the truth

  • I’m just saying in general, no matter what happened it was going to exist, if the dude that invented the internet never did someone else would do it maybe later in history

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Nov 10, 2020


    history teachers only become history teachers so they can o***** while taking a hot steaming dump all over America. they love it.

    and in this country you don't get sent to jail for teaching the truth

    isn’t it weird how the more people learn about US history the more they s*** on the US? must be a liberal conspiracy, no way the US was actually founded on genocide & slavery /s

  • Nov 13, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    literally animals

    Wtfffff this is so wild

  • Nov 13, 2020
    2 replies

    this site just learning about WW2

  • Nov 13, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Not just an American thing but the west doesn’t talk about the atrocities they committed or ever publicly apologized and attempted to make amends for everything they’ve done in Africa. But the (redacted) get reparations and apologies and never forgotten when they didn’t have to endure half the suffering African people did.

    Even now major corporations violate and drain Africa of all its resources

    There are children that mine for minerals/metals to be used to make cells phones, laptops, computers etc

  • Nov 13, 2020

    all fake news and misinformation coming from Trumpers

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    literally animals

    Holy f***ing s***
