  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    Where are you from because the schools are went to were really bad lol


  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply


    Well I went to school in DC, so no need to be pretentious

    A lot of the schools in that area weren’t good, the environment in general was bad, literally the ghetto

  • Nov 13, 2020
    Sunny Sun

    Well I went to school in DC, so no need to be pretentious

    A lot of the schools in that area weren’t good, the environment in general was bad, literally the ghetto

    im not trying to be pretentious but higher education must be lacking in those areas. definitely an issue there

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Christopher Columbus bro didn't do s*** people praise him for

  • Nov 13, 2020

    I will say though I haven't seen a world history textbook mention the yugoslav wars that much

  • Buckleys Angel

    People in remedial history wondering why they only covered basic concepts

    My APUSH teacher was one of the best I've had in my life. Dude was baller

  • Nov 13, 2020

    just learned about this this year

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Christopher Columbus bro didn't do s*** people praise him for

    Nolan >>>>


    Holy f***ing s***

    they really used babies to "test" their bayonets


    Nolan >>>>

    both bad in their own ways

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    literally animals

    it hurts to see this.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 13, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Not just an American thing but the west doesn’t talk about the atrocities they committed or ever publicly apologized and attempted to make amends for everything they’ve done in Africa. But the (redacted) get reparations and apologies and never forgotten when they didn’t have to endure half the suffering African people did.

    a lot of european countries apologized for what they did during colonization and slavery and even a few african leaders apologized for participating in the slave trade

    you'll notice those who apologized are countries that are still exploiting africa and controlling their leaders and economies as a way to keep things cool and keep their power over the continent

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 13, 2020

    I grew up knowing Benjamin Banneker was behind the White House. Nowadays he’s removed from history.

    the white house plans were stolen from a castle in the middle of france anyway

  • Nov 13, 2020

    i really can't wait for the UK to separate once Scotland goes NI & Walea will follow suit.

    UK history is so f***ed raped and pillaged most of the world and the empire is celebrated.

    streets is done.

  • Nov 13, 2020
    2 replies

    Unit 371 was hostel on steroids in terms of brutality, however people are capping hard if they think that was worse than Nazi Germany.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 13, 2020

    Unit 371 was hostel on steroids in terms of brutality, however people are capping hard if they think that was worse than Nazi Germany.

    they learn about their first war crime and say "yep definitely worse than the gas chambers"

  • Kengi 💭
    Nov 13, 2020

    Americans trying to convince the World they won WW2

  • sigmund fraud

    it hurts to see this.

    the sad thing is that there are still people in japan who defend or neglect the abominations done in the second world war.
    Many Yakuza member/clans are part of this group/ideology

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Unit 371 was hostel on steroids in terms of brutality, however people are capping hard if they think that was worse than Nazi Germany.

    At least 20 million Chinese were killed in the Second Sino-Japanese War alone (and believe it and not, that’s actually the low-end estimate), with Japanese invaders also responsible for the deaths of 4 million Indonesians and 2 million Vietnamese. Factoring in the estimated death tolls from Burma, the Philippines, Malaysia and other southeast Asian territories, the total number of people killed by Imperial Japan almost certainly eclipses the 30 million corpse mark. More than Hitler/Nazi Germany

    Also japanese gang raped dead 3 year old chinese/korean babies and were praised for that. There are even stories where fathers had to rape their own daughters. Not even Hitler was this gruesome. They handled the genocide as an industrial extinction and not in a gore party like the japanese.

    The worst thing is that the germans had "at least" a ideology to justify these atrocities in their own eyes (Lebensraum theory), but the japanese did it for fun and revenge. They really enjoyed the torture

  • Nov 13, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    At least 20 million Chinese were killed in the Second Sino-Japanese War alone (and believe it and not, that’s actually the low-end estimate), with Japanese invaders also responsible for the deaths of 4 million Indonesians and 2 million Vietnamese. Factoring in the estimated death tolls from Burma, the Philippines, Malaysia and other southeast Asian territories, the total number of people killed by Imperial Japan almost certainly eclipses the 30 million corpse mark. More than Hitler/Nazi Germany

    Also japanese gang raped dead 3 year old chinese/korean babies and were praised for that. There are even stories where fathers had to rape their own daughters. Not even Hitler was this gruesome. They handled the genocide as an industrial extinction and not in a gore party like the japanese.

    The worst thing is that the germans had "at least" a ideology to justify these atrocities in their own eyes (Lebensraum theory), but the japanese did it for fun and revenge. They really enjoyed the torture

    the fact that the top scientists were never brought to justice and were given immunity by the US Gov by trading their information leaves a sour taste.

  • germany is guilty for the start of the first world war

  • Nov 13, 2020

    Everyone seem to forget about Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

  • the fact they europanized (latinized) legendary arab scientists/doctors/philosophs from medievil to think everybody they were white and not muslim.

    Ibn Sina -> Avicenna
    Ibn Rushd -> Averroes

    In Span some people still deny that andalusia was under muslim control and brought them wealth

  • Nov 13, 2020

    Malcolm X is pretty nonexistent in US History curriculum. Same with the welfare programs the Black Panthers created to aid their communities

    also Americans think they won the War of 1812

    Ironic cuz he’s probably the most loved black leader in modern times; even more so than mlk
