American history doesn’t teach about anything bad the USA did, and if they do, it’s painted in a good light. like slavery, where certain textbooks claim “some slaves were treated nicely”
Or something about it helping the economy
The idea of MLK being a huge advocate for integration when he later changed his stance saying that it was a mistake to push this idea and that he was leading black people into a "burning house"
Also feel like they try to downplay the fact that MLK was killed by the government
this site just learning about WW2
Look on the brightside: people are learning
Also feel like they try to downplay the fact that MLK was killed by the government
Killed Fred Hampton too
I mean in elementary school history was basic but in high school all my history classes went in depth and through overview of US history good and bad. Same for European history classes too.
Look on the brightside: people are learning
sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it just makes people dumber if they don't get all the facts organized in context
Feel like they try to make it seem the USA entered WW2 because they are the heroes, and the Americans in general as a whole opposed hitler greatly. I know not all people in the us at the time liked hitler but it seems like a good amount didn’t care about what was going on
I mean in elementary school history was basic but in high school all my history classes went in depth and through overview of US history good and bad. Same for European history classes too.
People in remedial history wondering why they only covered basic concepts
this site just learning about WW2
To be fair I grew up in a low income area & the schools I went to were trash so a lot of this is extremely surprising to me
To be fair I grew up in a low income area & the schools I went to were trash so a lot of this is extremely surprising to me
nah im not tryna diss or anything, the main reason I even said that is because there's not many asian people on this site and sometimes im too lazy to fact check or argue with people about asian history / asian s*** lol
Feel like they try to make it seem the USA entered WW2 because they are the heroes, and the Americans in general as a whole opposed hitler greatly. I know not all people in the us at the time liked hitler but it seems like a good amount didn’t care about what was going on
the U.S. didn't know much about the extent of the situation in nazi germany throughout much of WWII. americans knew something was going on, and that jews were being persecuted heavily. but it wasn't until after the fighting and liberation of camps that made everybody say what the f***.
it is kinda irrelevant tho since the reason we got involved was the pacific theatre.
Feel like they try to make it seem the USA entered WW2 because they are the heroes, and the Americans in general as a whole opposed hitler greatly. I know not all people in the us at the time liked hitler but it seems like a good amount didn’t care about what was going on
Didn’t the US hire Nazi scientists and turn them into full fledged US citizens for information
I remember learning about communism in South America in high school and not ONCE did they mention the CIA.
You listed a bunch of injustices, not attempts to rewrite history.
Injustices that aren’t being taught or emphasized in history classes lol
I’m sure it’s common knowledge that racism in America & the atrocities against black peoples are severely downplayed in attempts to salvage America’s dark past
Didn’t the US hire Nazi scientists and turn them into full fledged US citizens for information
Yup, Operation Paperclip. There were also several US companies that worked with the Nazis before & after WW2 started.
Yup, Operation Paperclip. There were also several US companies that worked with the Nazis before & after WW2 started.
Why go to war with them if they were so dam cooperative tf
Injustices that aren’t being taught or emphasized in history classes lol
I’m sure it’s common knowledge that racism in America & the atrocities against black peoples are severely downplayed in attempts to salvage America’s dark past
They already teach that America oppressed black people, so excluding (not reframing) an event doesn't change the narrative. Better examples would be the distortion of the civil rights era and what it resulted in, or the reframing of US Imperialism as "world policing."
did you guys get your education in arkansas or stop after 8th grade because you learn most of this stuff in high school/college
Omg did you know the KKK use to bomb churches & children’s daycare centers
Watchmen and Lovecraft Country on HBO talking about the Tulsa massacre brought to light a lot of those atrocities that happened, for me
They already teach that America oppressed black people, so excluding (not reframing) an event doesn't change the narrative. Better examples would be the distortion of the civil rights era and what it resulted in, or the reframing of US Imperialism as "world policing."
But don’t you think sugar coating the darkest moments of American & African American history is the reason why people over look the black struggle ?
It’s also the reason why people think the reparations are nonsensical, America should just forget about slavery & it’s affects on the black community
I can’t help but feel as if the United States doesn’t teach us about the dark parts of that era for a reason