  • Nov 17, 2020

    Just had a pulled pork Banh mi before watching this video and feel sad af now

  • PIMP 💿
    Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Y'all always tryna guilt trip people

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Y'all always tryna guilt trip people

    You wouldn't feel guilt or anything if it wasn't immoral...
    I think that's how that works...

  • PIMP 💿
    Nov 17, 2020

    You wouldn't feel guilt or anything if it wasn't immoral...
    I think that's how that works...

    I don't eat no pig, nasty as hell

  • Bro I love pork roll

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    So a team of investigators have been filming the insides of 32 pig farms in Spain over the last 2 years to get a glimpse at some of the horrific, violent and frankly evil conditions that pigs are subjected to when they’re being raised for slaughter.

    This results in one of the most shocking and upsetting videos you’re likely to ever see.

    Word of warning, the video below is extremely graphic, but its because of its disturbing nature that I really feel compelled to share it and hear people’s thoughts, even though this site might seem like a weird place to do it.


    My question is this, is it possible to feed the entire population with a humane way of raising and slaughtering chickens and pigs?

    Wouldn't it require more space?

  • Nov 17, 2020

    Don’t eat pork like that but s*** f***ed if your gonna kill em just kill em don’t torture

  • Nov 17, 2020

    My question is this, is it possible to feed the entire population with a humane way of raising and slaughtering chickens and pigs?

    Wouldn't it require more space?

    That’s what we’re saying, maybe anyone who thinks it can be done humanely is kidding themselves and the only alternative is to not eat it.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Can't relate if you see this s*** and continue to eat animals. Psycho s***.

  • Nov 17, 2020

    Having another man kill your food for you

  • Nov 17, 2020
    math fifty

    So because they're dying quick its humane

    Depriving a living creature of its life so we can consume it and sell it for profit is humane as long as you do it quickly come tf on b

    The difference is its in the wild and still got live probably a good majority of its life.. animals that are raised just to be murdered are still conscious beings too, that s*** is straight torture. Hunting an animal isn't torture.

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Can't relate if you see this s*** and continue to eat animals. Psycho s***.

    Hey fam how else am I supposed to build muscle

  • Nov 17, 2020

    who's exploiting cops?

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020

    Hey fam how else am I supposed to build muscle

    Plants have protein dawg where do you think cows get their protein? How about gorillas? Ever heard the phrase strong as an ox? Some of the biggest most muscled up animals is herbivores.

    So many vegan athletes out too like there's no excuse man.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020

    But it ain't even about YOU mfer it's about the animals!

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Call me when crocs begin to farm zebras on a global scale

    Whole point is that we know better than other animals so we should be better than other animals.

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Call me when crocs begin to farm zebras on a global scale

    Whole point is that we know better than other animals so we should be better than other animals.

    had a vegan once tell me that eating animals is a punishable offense, because it is equivocal to murder. People should be put on trial for it, etc.

    That logic is crazy to me, i'm about it for sustainability reasons, but f*** that humane noise people and nature are killers. I understand and would argue against factory farming, and for free range etc. But outright not eating meat is crazy to me.

    I only cook red meat from a family farm, and rarely will get anything but chicken out. But that's because chickens are deadass vegetables at this point imo.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    had a vegan once tell me that eating animals is a punishable offense, because it is equivocal to murder. People should be put on trial for it, etc.

    That logic is crazy to me, i'm about it for sustainability reasons, but f*** that humane noise people and nature are killers. I understand and would argue against factory farming, and for free range etc. But outright not eating meat is crazy to me.

    I only cook red meat from a family farm, and rarely will get anything but chicken out. But that's because chickens are deadass vegetables at this point imo.

    It's too early in the morning for me to be hearing someone call chickens vegetables.

    Like good job reducing I guess

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    It's too early in the morning for me to be hearing someone call chickens vegetables.

    Like good job reducing I guess

    I'm telling you man, I raised them my whole life, they vegetables.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    I'm telling you man, I raised them my whole life, they vegetables.


  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply


    Not coping, I've looked into a chickens soul-less eyes and cut its throat open to bleed it out.

    Its not the same as a mammal. You can see something there and I genuinely feel bad. I have 0 remorse killing and eating a chicken, and I would argue vegans should all go kill a chicken to have the experience before they argue it.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Not coping, I've looked into a chickens soul-less eyes and cut its throat open to bleed it out.

    Its not the same as a mammal. You can see something there and I genuinely feel bad. I have 0 remorse killing and eating a chicken, and I would argue vegans should all go kill a chicken to have the experience before they argue it.

    makes me sad to hear you say this stuff

    I raised chickens too when I was younger. They all had personalities and some would even come and cuddle with me on the back porch. My dad made me kill one and I'll never forget that day.

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    makes me sad to hear you say this stuff

    I raised chickens too when I was younger. They all had personalities and some would even come and cuddle with me on the back porch. My dad made me kill one and I'll never forget that day.

    I know that feeling man, and I'm sorry if it was your pet my dad killed my sheep I named and was cool with when I was young, was tragic.