It is awful. There’s no denying it. But at the end of the day, I like meat ( ) so I’ma keep eating meat (
personal pleasure...the things that this has be used to overlook and enable massive injustices throughout history
Always just showing one side of the story lol
There's no side where animals don't lose their right to life
There's no side where animals don't lose their right to life
Ima keep it real with you
I didn’t watch the video and idk what you’re saying I don’t even know what this thread is about tbh
Ima keep it real with you
I didn’t watch the video and idk what you’re saying I don’t even know what this thread is about tbh
So a team of investigators have been filming the insides of 32 pig farms in Spain over the last 2 years to get a glimpse at some of the horrific, violent and frankly evil conditions that pigs are subjected to when they’re being raised for slaughter.
This results in one of the most shocking and upsetting videos you’re likely to ever see.
Word of warning, the video below is extremely graphic, but its because of its disturbing nature that I really feel compelled to share it and hear people’s thoughts, even though this site might seem like a weird place to do it.
! video, feels like a visual metaphor for the cruelty of humanity.
Factories are truly despicable but what made me vegan was realising how many diseases come from animals. Covid, bird flu, mad cow disease. Keep that meat, I'll stick to plants.
you really p**** if one lil video gon stop you from eatin meat
I aint watching video in op though its gon spoil my appetite
‘You’re all pussies’
‘I’m too scared to watch the video’
animals have no sense of morality when it comes to humans so how can you expect humans to? especially when humans are so stupid they kill their own over skin color
We really holding humans - with all our intelligence, history etc. - to the same standard as a piglet? Lol
Factories are truly despicable but what made me vegan was realising how many diseases come from animals. Covid, bird flu, mad cow disease. Keep that meat, I'll stick to plants.
Fr, even the scare with humanity getting another strain of covid from mink farms or whatever. Like if you just leave them alone we wouldn't have any of these problems
Ima keep it real with you
I didn’t watch the video and idk what you’re saying I don’t even know what this thread is about tbh
you’re back
Fr, even the scare with humanity getting another strain of covid from mink farms or whatever. Like if you just leave them alone we wouldn't have any of these problems
Tbh bro, if we didn't eat/wear animals there would be none of these terrible diseases
Yall just reminded me i have some bacon in the fridge
Frying that s*** up tm morning
You ain’t s***
Pig meat unhealthy af anyways.
Ima keep it real with you
I didn’t watch the video and idk what you’re saying I don’t even know what this thread is about tbh
So why comment then?
I swear some of you be in the biggest rush to put your bullshit opinions into the world that you neglect to even consider what it is you’re talking about.