★ FAM 2 ★

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  • RASIE 🦦
    Oct 28, 2019

    Over 30 listens already

    Lmao ive listened to the whole album maybe twice 😳

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Use this gospel is my fav song

  • Oct 28, 2019

  • OP
    Oct 28, 2019

    Over 30 listens already

    yeah i’m sure i’ve listened at least 40 times at this point

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Use This Gospel
    On God
    Everything We Need
    Follow God
    Closed on Sunday
    Every Hour
    Hands On
    God Is
    Jesus is Lord



  • Oct 28, 2019
    rise zero

    Haha she made The Babadook ofcourse it was bad

    i think that movie is super overrated and mediocre overall but like this is just insultingly bad

  • Oct 28, 2019

    lol i’m sorry but this is one genre in which your taste is definitely not better than mine it’s GOAT and i’d give it a 10 or 9.5 so yeah probably 5 stars on boxd. why tho?

    Because you have excellent scores for all my other fave horrors :youknow: so stfu about your superior taste please. I just came at babadook not your whole damn taste level.

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    Haven't even listened to JIK enough times to even rank the songs or choose favorites tbh

    What do you think of it tho

  • RASIE 🦦
    Oct 28, 2019

    What do you think of it tho

    Tbh i dont really know yet... After my first listen i wasnt really feeling much. There were 2-3 highlight moments but the bulk of it didn't really leave an impression on me. I gotta listen a couple more times at least just to see how i feel about it

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    After multiple listens, JiK is definitely his worse, even ye is better because it has "No Mistakes" and "Ghost Town". Nothing on JiK really even compares which is pretty sad because the highlights on ye can't even touch Kanye's career highlights

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    After multiple listens, JiK is definitely his worse, even ye is better because it has "No Mistakes" and "Ghost Town". Nothing on JiK really even compares which is pretty sad because the highlights on ye can't even touch Kanye's career highlights

    Ghost Town might better than anything on here but the 4 (and several others that are imo not as strongly superior) I've mentioned earlier (Selah, On God, Every Hour and God Is) easily outdo the other tracks (even No Mistakes is lacklustre af. While the concept of the album might have affected me back then when it dropped the actual song ideas were extremely bland. The instrumentation and arrangements here are far more creative, make better use of counterpoint etc..) and plenty on his other Post-MBDTF albums. Ghost Town is also imo TOP 3 Post MBDTF. Sure, it isn't strong but his past albums weren't either. At least it doesn't bore me for the most part like portions of TLOP, which I'd only take over it if we include Saint Pablo (TLOP has 7 songs I like, Yeezus 4-5, Ye 1).

  • OP
    Oct 29, 2019

    Found deadpegs mom

    lol u tripping

  • OP
    Oct 29, 2019

    Ghost Town might better than anything on here but the 4 (and several others that are imo not as strongly superior) I've mentioned earlier (Selah, On God, Every Hour and God Is) easily outdo the other tracks (even No Mistakes is lacklustre af. While the concept of the album might have affected me back then when it dropped the actual song ideas were extremely bland. The instrumentation and arrangements here are far more creative, make better use of counterpoint etc..) and plenty on his other Post-MBDTF albums. Ghost Town is also imo TOP 3 Post MBDTF. Sure, it isn't strong but his past albums weren't either. At least it doesn't bore me for the most part like portions of TLOP, which I'd only take over it if we include Saint Pablo (TLOP has 7 songs I like, Yeezus 4-5, Ye 1).

    yeah i’ma go ahead and say i definitely f*** with this more than Ye. more cohesive and you’re right, the arrangements are just way more interesting.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    I think it's amazing

  • OP
    Oct 29, 2019

    I think it's amazing


  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Ghost Town might better than anything on here but the 4 (and several others that are imo not as strongly superior) I've mentioned earlier (Selah, On God, Every Hour and God Is) easily outdo the other tracks (even No Mistakes is lacklustre af. While the concept of the album might have affected me back then when it dropped the actual song ideas were extremely bland. The instrumentation and arrangements here are far more creative, make better use of counterpoint etc..) and plenty on his other Post-MBDTF albums. Ghost Town is also imo TOP 3 Post MBDTF. Sure, it isn't strong but his past albums weren't either. At least it doesn't bore me for the most part like portions of TLOP, which I'd only take over it if we include Saint Pablo (TLOP has 7 songs I like, Yeezus 4-5, Ye 1).

    I disagree with everything you said here.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    I disagree with everything you said here.


  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    Yall say jik is cohesive??? The s*** is a f***ing mess of half baked ideas, surface level lyrics and some of kanye's most uninspired vocal performances ever. Sounds like he needs a lozenge on "God Is", he neutered tf out of "Selah" with his corny Christian bars, "Water" just sucks... don't get me started on that verse. The rest is a mess. "Hands On" the one track that feels like it might've actually been completed but it's not really a good song. The best moment on this album is the hallelujahs on Selah, but it transitions to one of Kanye's weakest vocal performances ever

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Don't even get me started on the lyrics on "On God"


  • Oct 29, 2019

    why are you so mad if you knew you werent gonna like the christian bars going in

  • Oct 29, 2019

    like i said the beats sound like yeezus marinated in 808s and its incredible.. very few moments sound half baked to me. and the haggard vocal adds to the performance imo.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    I have no problem with Christian lyrics if they were inspired and not as surface level as they are.

    Some of the instrumentals are nice but they don't go ANYWHERE. "Closed on Sunday" being a perfect v example of that. What a waste of a hard ass instrumental.

  • OP
    Oct 29, 2019
    3 replies

    Yall say jik is cohesive??? The s*** is a f***ing mess of half baked ideas, surface level lyrics and some of kanye's most uninspired vocal performances ever. Sounds like he needs a lozenge on "God Is", he neutered tf out of "Selah" with his corny Christian bars, "Water" just sucks... don't get me started on that verse. The rest is a mess. "Hands On" the one track that feels like it might've actually been completed but it's not really a good song. The best moment on this album is the hallelujahs on Selah, but it transitions to one of Kanye's weakest vocal performances ever

    lmao how you gunna call the album uninspired then criticize the vocal cracks on “God Is”, one of the most inspired parts of the whole album imo.

    just sounds like this isn’t what you wanted from Kanye and that’s fine, but the whole “omg these are half baked, unfinished songs!” complaint has been tired as f*** since TLOP dropped.

    art doesn’t have to conform to our personal ideas of what it means to be “finished” or “completed”, especially not when it’s coming from an artist who’s proven that he can make conventionally perfect albums. That’d be boring. Instead, he’s giving us these flawed but hella interesting looks into his psyche at the moment, with all the nonsensical but forward thinking ideas he’s always had.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    lmao how you gunna call the album uninspired then criticize the vocal cracks on “God Is”, one of the most inspired parts of the whole album imo.

    just sounds like this isn’t what you wanted from Kanye and that’s fine, but the whole “omg these are half baked, unfinished songs!” complaint has been tired as f*** since TLOP dropped.

    art doesn’t have to conform to our personal ideas of what it means to be “finished” or “completed”, especially not when it’s coming from an artist who’s proven that he can make conventionally perfect albums. That’d be boring. Instead, he’s giving us these flawed but hella interesting looks into his psyche at the moment, with all the nonsensical but forward thinking ideas he’s always had.

    TLOP songs were actually finished though, they were just poorly mastered at first.

    Even ye had more structure to the songs than this. I don't care if he's being 'unconventional', to me it sounds like a lazy, rushed project who clearly doesn't give a f*** about music like he used to