This is the only place I have ever seen Rebirth defenders. That album is dog s***.
he caaaan get the knockoutttt
it's ok, has some great highlights, def over-hated
way too long tho
younger now should get the hate dead petz gets
Oh yikes i forgot all about the disaster called younger now
Lmao the nav hate is out of pocket but I don’t wanna be yet another brown nav stan I’m conflicted
The fact that there were 9 albums worse than theirs this is hot trash
This is the only place I have ever seen Rebirth defenders. That album is dog s***.
I'm a Wayne stan but this
prom queen is a good song tho
Oh yikes i forgot all about the disaster called younger now
pretty sure everyone did
and before you clowns say "where’s Revival" it says ALBUMS OF 2010’s
Revival dropped in 2017
this post deadass made my brain hurt
Bad Habits, Bad Vibes Forever, and The Big Day ruin this list only there because of recency bias
Fun fact I've worked with the old drummer of flaming lips many times. Kliph is a legend
And the Xan album is not relevant enough to even be in this list
Or am I being revisionist
Bad Habits, Bad Vibes Forever, and The Big Day ruin this list only there because of recency bias
nah the big day deserves to be on there
The fact that there were 9 albums worse than theirs this is hot trash
never gets old to me like what kind of abomination is this how did we get to THIS?
(altho ultimately the answer is: cacs)
nah the big day deserves to be on there
If it just had to be on there it’s certainly not bottom 5 and it’s not worse than REVIVAL
I could only justify him putting it at like #15
why it was bad
A lot of it are just snippets that aren’t cdq but they went in and tried to clean it up
Also way too many features from people that never paid him no mind when he was alive
Album was just a crash grab