This is the only place I have ever seen Rebirth defenders. That album is dog s***.
I've seen people on here defend Bladee, there is no limit to ktt's hunger for trash.
Agree with everything Melon said. I fail to see why some people on KTT love Rebirth so much. It definitely was influential but not in a good way. It inspired so many horrible, s***ty, and trash rock infused rap album to poison the airwaves.
You can really see with this list how much he panders to his audience
There’s a couple meme picks like Nav but a lot of these albums are genuinely terrible
people are only defending rebirth because it has wayne's name attached to it. that album is f***ing awful
There’s a couple meme picks like Nav but a lot of these albums are genuinely terrible
It's a meme among the type of people in his fanbase to hate most of these artists. I'm not gonna accept that there wasn't massive pandering involved here
true but the other X albums also deserve a spot on that list
he was a trade of all talent but couldn’t make good music
Is English ur 2nd language? Genuinely curious
Did I miss something? this album really hated this much people put it out there? It’s actually pretty good
Fun fact I've worked with the old drummer of flaming lips many times. Kliph is a legend
Can we stop pretending Dead Petz was a bad album
it's ok, has some great highlights, def over-hated
way too long tho
younger now should get the hate dead petz gets