Words of wisdom. This is why a lot of us turned on the midget:
https://twitter.com/industrypolitic/status/1900931304385892365Midrick is an awful person.
Cedric the entertainer got time today yall
future beat his girl?
The argument is that Kendrick collabed with a deadbeat cause he called Drake a deadbeat
Gang member music?? But @TroyAveStan told me the streets not listening to Kendrick
I’ve been the only one bumpin GNX in the hood
I’ve been the only one bumpin GNX in the hood
You obviously live in a dork filled neighborhood then
Isn’t this the entire point of the album Mr morale? Kendrick is not morally superior or some kind of idol
I mean technically he's right but that's just how it is
if you have a fat friend you not calling him a fat turd but if an opp is fat and you getting into it and talking s*** he a sloppy fat f***
You obviously live in a dork filled neighborhood then
Exactly lol
These aren't moral based anthems
These are diss tracks that use certain morals to try to embarrass drake
I don't like Kendrick but I swear he has repeatedly asked people to stop looking at him as some super righteous savior figure.
the way kendrick fans move the goal post lmaoooo
Anthony got different standards for whites
the way kendrick fans move the goal post lmaoooo
Yeah lets watch the party die but before we that let me collab with an actual deadbeat and abuser and call him my evil twin.
fantano makes getting b****es lame
If I also just just started getting p**** at age 37 id probably do the same s*** tbh
If I also just just started getting p**** at age 37 id probably do the same s*** tbh
I think this is after his black queen left him and he went on a rampage , probaly a s***worker fr
They think that him saying he was a hypocrite once 10 years ago completely absolves him. Not even joking
"He is not your savior" lmfao his fans are dorks
Kendrick’s the biggest hypocrite of 2015 AND 2025..
lol this is exactly it, if you wanna say you are not our savior then dont talk to us like you have anything impactful to say
Also hopping on Carti;s album not once but THREE time when he's this hot is such a Drake wave rider type move.