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  • BMZ

    middle aged man finds out rap battles are just spinning narratives and largely aren't rooted in truth

    fantano wants every diss bar to have sources listed and peer reviewed

  • mr get dough

    I think its cringe when kendrick fans use the “he’s acknowledged hes a hypocrite” as a defense like it absolves him of criticism

    Kendrick is a hypocrite thats definitely the biggest flaw he has a rapper but I can live with that lol look at what u other niggas tolerate 😂

    i dont think its an excuse, but more of a ‘duh we know this, he admits this himself’ explanation

    people state his hypocrisy as this weirdly epiphanic point when it really isnt, thats all

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    stream reaction of a live action stream, crazy world

  • Huge Lukas Fan

    i dont think its an excuse, but more of a ‘duh we know this, he admits this himself’ explanation

    people state his hypocrisy as this weirdly epiphanic point when it really isnt, thats all

    They aren’t saying it as an epiphany they’re saying it as a recurring criticism

    At least a lot of the time

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    stream reaction of a live action stream, crazy world

    I've seen reaction to reaction videos pop up, we re in the endgame of streamer content scraps lol

  • WT777

    I've seen reaction to reaction videos pop up, we re in the endgame of streamer content scraps lol

    just wait till you see the group stream watching a stream talk about a stream we’re cooked

  • BMZ

    middle aged man finds out rap battles are just spinning narratives and largely aren't rooted in truth

    he ain’t the only person who’s maybe bought a lil too much into the image of Kendrick when he’s in that self righteous mode

  • it's over

  • ye bully mode

    i don’t see how he’s a bad person for making music with carti or kodak

    im not saying he’s a bad person, that was an example

  • I’ve been saying this for literally a year

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    Double standards, cognitive dissonance, sapiens being sapiens, nothing to see here

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    you have a cool name

  • mr get dough

    I think its cringe when kendrick fans use the “he’s acknowledged hes a hypocrite” as a defense like it absolves him of criticism

    Kendrick is a hypocrite thats definitely the biggest flaw he has a rapper but I can live with that lol look at what u other niggas tolerate 😂

  • imShy

    How does this make Kendrick a hypocrite ?

    Has Kendrick said he would never work with anyone who has "controversy" surrounding them?

    If he did then yes he would be a hypocrite. If not then ppl in this thread have no idea what the word hypocrite means.

    Writing a 16 bar verse on someones song isn't a contract stating you endorse their bullshit.

    Half the artists in the industry have some form of controversy or vice attached to them, that's their business. Working with other others isn't any statement saying you stand by/condone their BS.

    Most of these guys have literal murders and gangsters in their close friend group yet every single one of them know and will state that killing someone is terrible. That's not hypocritical. Many people have friends who do shady s***, but you continuing to hang out with them doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    What makes you a hypocrite is saying something you don't do...then going and doing it...that's the literal definition of hypocrite. Kendrick has never stated he doesn't work with criminals, people with controversy, etc. As far as we know, most of the music industry and definitely rap would fall under that umbrella so it would be stupid for anyone to have that stance anyway.

    Yall gay for this man

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    @Beautiful_Morning hope you’re having a great morning my friend.

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    Yall gay for this man

    I like women

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    you have a cool name

    Someone that understands the vision!

  • Bringing Dre a domestic abuser on an Amazon stage to watch the party die

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Someone that understands the vision!


  • WT777

    I mean technically he's right but that's just how it is

    if you have a fat friend you not calling him a fat turd but if an opp is fat and you getting into it and talking s*** he a sloppy fat f***


  • imShy

    I like women

    Yes he has more character than other rappers he is still a self righteous hypocrite

    It’s why I was so disappointed in watch the party die it’s his most cook hypocrisy song ever

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    He changed his name, he a conscious rapper
    Naw mutha'fucka I'm just Compton's rapper
    I might spit some intricate s*** for r not to get
    But really I'm just as rude as Marshall Mathers
    Is that a contradiction? He contradicting himself again?
    Of course that's a contradiction, the f*** you think life is?
    We not like Christ is
    We all want ice's and devices to make the b****es say, "I like this"

    Hes kept the same energy for 15 years @Mitchell

  • lol Kendrick fans can’t just admit he isn’t perfect and that they’re often terrible human beings

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    ppl cracked jokes about pedophilia until last week why are they making a big deal out of this

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