Luckily, I'm captain of the don't give af what a nigga think club. Most of those prescriptions come from the influence of other people
In no way shape or form would I respect those types of people
1 could argue if it didn't bother you than you wouldnt need to point it out 🤓☝
He shrugged at clowning a suicide letter said I deserved it ( which I nearly killed mysekf in 2022) because of him and garetare( may )
I posted a photo of his Atlanta high school and posted his artist bio from a thread he created on here .
It was x equal because my suicide letter was in this account all my personal information because I was going to DIE so it didn’t matter he got this account suspended for a year and bumped the suicide letter
I ain’t post folks address or any information he doesn’t have on ktt
He said I overshare . Besides the suicide letter and occasionally posting my Twitter no one can tell me much about myself besides trauma lol
What you going to do say “ hahaha you are a homeless autist with a mom who was an alcoholic to cope with your dad attempting to kill her who saw your dad face in your face so verbally abused you and you nearly killed yourself yakub”
You can’t hurt me and when you attempt to you just sound racist
I will forever hate that piece of s*** and he will never play a show in Chicago I’ve talked with chance Vic and all of Chicago about him .
OK thx for the breakdown
Can't we simply practice a little bit of forgiveness ...
Shake hands, maybe even a platonic hug ...
Let the past be the past instead of allowing it to define our future....
he clowned a user's house burning down.
your playing intentionally obtuse gimmick is quite old dawg
Can't we simply practice a little bit of forgiveness ...
Shake hands, maybe even a platonic hug ...
Let the past be the past instead of allowing it to define our future....
Turns out, he does give up on humans
he clowned a user's house burning down.
your playing intentionally obtuse gimmick is quite old dawg
Have you considered the possibility that he might have done that by accident
Dear REDACTED your son is a sick man with sick thoughts I think
lol it’s literally what I did to one of my women friends I called her parents after 10 years she owed me 1000 she makes 100k she lied about me being gay she left a friend in a Vegas jail and stole her man . She is a terrible human being that caused issues with my ex and berated me incessantly to feel good about herself . She told me to kill myself in 2019 I immediately went to my first therapy session . She used my name to fake her death 2022 and would laugh when grown man would threaten to kill me
I told her family everything and they understood
he clowned a user's house burning down.
your playing intentionally obtuse gimmick is quite old dawg
@Bruises how do you respond?
now why would someone want to respond to a message saying weird s*** like this crodie?
“ weird “ but not lies . YOU LIE. lol
Have you considered the possibility that he might have done that by accident
you really one of the most dishonest users on this site dawg lol. good day bruises.
Nigga that’s you YOU STUPID F***
Have you considered the possibility that he might have done that by accident
Shut up dog and stop enabling this bullshit
Dude sperged out calling a user a bum and a grifter after his house burned down just cuz his narcissistic ass can’t stand the thought of someone else’s struggles getting more attention than his
@Bruises how do you respond?
It's out of my hands Danny...
Shut up dog and stop enabling this bullshit
Dude sperged out calling a user a bum and a grifter after his house burned down just cuz his narcissistic ass can’t stand the thought of someone else’s struggles getting more attention than his
Oh yeah I remember this. That was pretty bad
I’m just discussing art and someone like “ well at least I’m not homeless kill yourself stop logging in”
Then I respond clap back and you like “ you always be in drama condom eyes “
Shut up dog and stop enabling this bullshit
Dude sperged out calling a user a bum and a grifter after his house burned down just cuz his narcissistic ass can’t stand the thought of someone else’s struggles getting more attention than his
Oh yeah you I got you don’t worry ☺️
Shut up dog and stop enabling this bullshit
Dude sperged out calling a user a bum and a grifter after his house burned down just cuz his narcissistic ass can’t stand the thought of someone else’s struggles getting more attention than his
I got you don’t worry
1 could argue if it didn't bother you than you wouldnt need to point it out 🤓☝
Alas, these are once again 2 different ideals
Anyway back to topic
Alas, these are once again 2 different ideals
Back to topic
Stop trying to egg them on. C.E is completely correct in the stuff he is saying but you guys the reason why he is saying it. Insert, despite being at fault due to the stuff that has happened in the past, is doing the right thing here by having him blocked and ignoring the posts. Don't derail the thread.
Stop trying to poke at both of them
The non existent threats (i wish some online lies would result in an online user getting a “no fly zone” in chicago like i dont got family and close friends there ) aint even what made me block crodie.
Legit was the mark s*** that made niggas post that diss.
Folks dont like me so it’s cool but mark one of the nicest users on here that aint say a mean word about anybody. That was what crossed the line #formoi
you really one of the most dishonest users on this site dawg lol. good day bruises.
Trivial at best..
Have a good day Mr insertcoolnamehere