Thank you for being a voice of reason in this thread, Zack. I wish we could all post together in peace. It's like a wise man once said: Nobody wins when the family feuds.
It takes a lot to be the bigger man Danny, but it's something that I am willing to do in here for the greater good of the forum. A good reading experience is an absolute must for a hip hop forum.
I am not someone to toot my own horn but I do sometime wonder why I am so kind to certain people in here when they deserve to get treated way worse. Guess it's my love for hip-hop that's doing it.
It takes a lot to be the bigger man Danny, but it's something that I am willing to do in here for the greater good of the forum. A good reading experience is an absolute must for a hip hop forum.
I am not someone to toot my own horn but I do sometime wonder why I am so kind to certain people in here when they deserve to get treated way worse. Guess it's my love for hip-hop that's doing it.
-called a black user “boy”
I'm yodelling
Nigga really said ferbadim
Zacks never saying “ hold up I have an out of context screenshot to demonize you “
Zack never said “ well you are homeless “
Zack never put me down personally even when I was reading blind items
Tbf, it's the same users antagonizing him everyday
@Tubig he talking about you bully!
"I'm the biggest hypocrite of 2015"
You just wear dead black faces you a wanna be dahmer
-called a black user “boy”
He was a white man from Wales
You see why C.E dislikes you? Why lie like this?
He was a white man from Wales
You see why C.E dislikes you? Why lie like this?
Valentine was literally right there taking you to court bro lol
He was a white man from Wales
You see why C.E dislikes you? Why lie like this?
Was it that user named Hudson or some s***?
Was it that user named Hudson or some s***?
Zack never be doing anyone wrong and yall bully him daily …
If you need convincing that's on you
we all know how this plays out
Valentine was literally right there taking you to court bro lol
They was both white lol
we all know how this plays out
Me entertained
You need to add like 8 more names
Whole tnght section does organized raids just like we said they did ….
When great divine deserves all of our hate
pro Palestine with a Zionist in your avy
He was a white man from Wales
You see why C.E dislikes you? Why lie like this?
He hates me because mods perm’d his first account and he thinks one user has the power to do that.
When great divine deserves all of our hate
Peace and love brother, let God sort em out
What makes it even funnier as that even though he was white, I said that I was in the wrong because no matter how likely something is, I can't know for sure so I said I was wrong and stopped saying it since then - a year ago by the way
Now this guy mentions it a year later claiming it wasn't a white guy trying to set me up
People call Condom Eyes all kind of s*** yet this are the people he is dealing with