How about you inherit some b****es
Thats not nice >:[
“A white guy trying to set me up”
lmao you are a f***ing liar too
You struggling to read, Tubig? Or is it because your eyes are tired after stalking Condom Eyes since 9 am and harassing him?
I said Insert is trying to set me up by lying about what happened a year ago - I called a WHITE man a Boy - Rock Hudson or whatever he is called.
But once again, I am not someone who stoops to your level. I've seen you viciously stalk, harass and attack Condom Eyes for several hours now, so I will not entertain you embarrassing ass more than this single post.
How about you inherit some b****es
That's weird as f***
I know what you tryna do but it's not working
I’ve gotten into it with him twice. He’s just a f***ing lunatic and is losing grasp on reality and confuses everyone that disagrees with him as the same person.
This isn’t 4chan cause ye a piece of s***
This 4chan because you are
its cuz ye a neo Nazi
Skipped your Latin classes huh
I've never had Latin classes. Why you acting like an a******..
God like
"Who's calling my s*** ? Who ? Who?
Without my dog I would have ended my life when my mom alcholism began
its cuz ye a neo Nazi
lol the matrix Neo ? I’m in ( a joke I’m not a Nazi )
I've never had Latin classes. Why you acting like an a******..
I’m a hypocrite
Without my dog I would have ended my life when my mom alcholism began
Damn ur mama was an alcoholic too? Look at us..
You struggling to read, Tubig? Or is it because your eyes are tired after stalking Condom Eyes since 9 am and harassing him?
I said Insert is trying to set me up by lying about what happened a year ago - I called a WHITE man a Boy - Rock Hudson or whatever he is called.
But once again, I am not someone who stoops to your level. I've seen you viciously stalk, harass and attack Condom Eyes for several hours now, so I will not entertain you embarrassing ass more than this single post.
I got folks blocked he is also welcome to come to Chicago
thats all i see on this page but im glad you found a W somewhere
This thread has 55 pages brother
I've never had Latin classes. Why you acting like an a******..
Only Latin you need is Semper Fi
They like “ we aren’t afraid of you but we not coming to Chicago even if you buy the ticket “
That's weird as f***
I know what you tryna do but it's not working
Fight me bro
That's like Call of Duty right?
Marine s***
This thread has 55 pages brother
And I’m glad you found a W in a few of them man, nice
You only act like this with mods is the point you would never treat someone like this in person . Every last word I type on here I would say to your face .
What if you whoop my ass? Who's gonna pay my bill 😔💔
Meet me at the Sonic at Alma Arkansas. After I kick your ass I’ll hand you a waffle cone.
I’m driving a car with barely working brakes right now and you think I’m afraid of a fatass hotep , crackers and teenagers ?
Scooby villain of the week