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  • Undecided

    How about you inherit some b****es

    Thats not nice >:[

  • Tubig

    “A white guy trying to set me up”

    lmao you are a f***ing liar too

    You struggling to read, Tubig? Or is it because your eyes are tired after stalking Condom Eyes since 9 am and harassing him?

    I said Insert is trying to set me up by lying about what happened a year ago - I called a WHITE man a Boy - Rock Hudson or whatever he is called.

    But once again, I am not someone who stoops to your level. I've seen you viciously stalk, harass and attack Condom Eyes for several hours now, so I will not entertain you embarrassing ass more than this single post.

  • Undecided

    How about you inherit some b****es

    That's weird as f***

    I know what you tryna do but it's not working

  • Tubig

    I’ve gotten into it with him twice. He’s just a f***ing lunatic and is losing grasp on reality and confuses everyone that disagrees with him as the same person.

  • ·
    1 reply

    This isn’t 4chan cause ye a piece of s***

    This 4chan because you are

    its cuz ye a neo Nazi

  • ·
    2 replies
    this is not an alt

    Skipped your Latin classes huh

    I've never had Latin classes. Why you acting like an a******..


    God like

    "Who's calling my s*** ? Who ? Who? "

  • this is not an alt


    Without my dog I would have ended my life when my mom alcholism began

  • teku izing

    its cuz ye a neo Nazi

    lol the matrix Neo ? I’m in ( a joke I’m not a Nazi )

  • Danny

    I've never had Latin classes. Why you acting like an a******..

    I’m a hypocrite

  • HaroldsChicken

    Without my dog I would have ended my life when my mom alcholism began

    Damn ur mama was an alcoholic too? Look at us..

  • Zack From The Six

    You struggling to read, Tubig? Or is it because your eyes are tired after stalking Condom Eyes since 9 am and harassing him?

    I said Insert is trying to set me up by lying about what happened a year ago - I called a WHITE man a Boy - Rock Hudson or whatever he is called.

    But once again, I am not someone who stoops to your level. I've seen you viciously stalk, harass and attack Condom Eyes for several hours now, so I will not entertain you embarrassing ass more than this single post.

    I got folks blocked he is also welcome to come to Chicago

  • ·
    1 reply

    thats all i see on this page but im glad you found a W somewhere

    This thread has 55 pages brother

  • Danny

    I've never had Latin classes. Why you acting like an a******..

    Only Latin you need is Semper Fi

  • ·
    1 reply

    Only Latin you need is Semper Fi

    That's like Call of Duty right?

  • They like “ we aren’t afraid of you but we not coming to Chicago even if you buy the ticket “

  • ·
    1 reply

    That's weird as f***

    I know what you tryna do but it's not working

    Fight me bro

  • Danny

    That's like Call of Duty right?

    Marine s***

  • LNP 🩶

    This thread has 55 pages brother

    And I’m glad you found a W in a few of them man, nice

  • Undecided

    Fight me bro

    What if you whoop my ass? Who's gonna pay my bill 😔💔

  • You only act like this with mods is the point you would never treat someone like this in person . Every last word I type on here I would say to your face .

  • ·
    2 replies

    What if you whoop my ass? Who's gonna pay my bill 😔💔

    Meet me at the Sonic at Alma Arkansas. After I kick your ass I’ll hand you a waffle cone.

  • I’m driving a car with barely working brakes right now and you think I’m afraid of a fatass hotep , crackers and teenagers ?
    Scooby villain of the week

  • Undecided

    Meet me at the Sonic at Alma Arkansas. After I kick your ass I’ll hand you a waffle cone.

    A beating and some good eating

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