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  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Or maybe he just doesnt like the album's boldness and her direct lyrics

    He's liked plenty of albums by women in the past, I dont think that has to do with him being scared of women tbh

    I really dont understand why everyone has to make big arguments about this guy, he just does reviews lol

    Has he reviewed her previous albums?

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    it's not the score or his opinion that people were mad about in his review, it's his take on some of the more sensitive topics on the album

    Idk I havent watched the review and I didnt listen to the album yet, but the Fntano hate seems as unreasonable as always lol

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Has he reviewed her previous albums?

    Gave a 9 to her previous album

  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Gave a 9 to her previous album

    Idler Wheel?

  • Apr 25, 2020

    Idler Wheel?

    If I remember right

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Idler Wheel?


  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Again fantano is just a reviewer that doesnt do any compromising and doesnt try to pander to anybody

    Only time i feel he did was on The Big Day review, it just felt like a meme review and thats why I stopped watching him, kinda disapppinting

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Fantano still living rent free ? I'll take it further and say that I wasn't that into the fiona apple album when I first heard it either, nothing about her work speaks to me personally tbh.

  • Apr 25, 2020


    He thinks Bolt is a 7/10 and Idler is a 9/10 😂 Twat

  • Apr 25, 2020
    JT is Electric

    He is a big music reviewer. The only one of this generation with such a large audience so you are right. I dont get the Fantano hate. He’s never done anything despicable.

    Except for bullying mac miller into suicide with a 3

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    She did. I've been a music head for about 15 years, never heard anything like it in my life. Music writers and historians have been saying the same thing.

    fam, so I been actually trying to give this shorty a listen.

    what the f*** sounds actually new my g?

    songs like shameika and I want you to love me and drumset and ladies and etc are NOT sound innovative. Like it's some joni mitchell, indie or whatever the hipster beckys look up too.

    and s*** like For Her and the last song and all them songs that is way more heavy percussive s*** and based on s*** like repetition is like....fam there's local music from the islands that've done that type of style for centuries 'nahmean?

    you can say it's a great album and I'll shut tf up but invent a NEW STYLE OF MUSIC?

    there is a skeleton of some black woman out there that just slapped you upside your head Goo.

    get her c*** out your mouth yo.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Again fantano is just a reviewer that doesnt do any compromising and doesnt try to pander to anybody

    Only time i feel he did was on The Big Day review, it just felt like a meme review and thats why I stopped watching him, kinda disapppinting

    He's a memer ofc hence why he's so popular among Internet culture.

    With that being said, his opinion on this album won't have any impact at the end of the day. Musicians like St Vincent have already given Fiona her props.

  • this "Kendrick-esque" creator of genres pedestal s*** is what makes niggas like fantano fans troll the s*** outta yall my g.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies
    The Retiring Mane

    fam, so I been actually trying to give this shorty a listen.

    what the f*** sounds actually new my g?

    songs like shameika and I want you to love me and drumset and ladies and etc are NOT sound innovative. Like it's some joni mitchell, indie or whatever the hipster beckys look up too.

    and s*** like For Her and the last song and all them songs that is way more heavy percussive s*** and based on s*** like repetition is like....fam there's local music from the islands that've done that type of style for centuries 'nahmean?

    you can say it's a great album and I'll shut tf up but invent a NEW STYLE OF MUSIC?

    there is a skeleton of some black woman out there that just slapped you upside your head Goo.

    get her c*** out your mouth yo.

    They're nothing like Joni Mitchell lmfao. Stop it.

    I know black women who admire Fiona and love the album too.

  • Apr 25, 2020

    They're nothing like Joni Mitchell lmfao. Stop it.

    I know black women who admire Fiona and love the album too.

    We exist

  • Apr 25, 2020

    He's a memer ofc hence why he's so popular among Internet culture.

    With that being said, his opinion on this album won't have any impact at the end of the day. Musicians like St Vincent have already given Fiona her props.

    Yeah I know he's a meme guy but at least before TBD he would stay serious when it came to reviews, after that review s*** hasnt been as good as before, his opinions legit got lazy so he's out to me, I respect him still but Im not watching any of his videos any time soon

    And fiona apple couldnt be Hurt by a Fantano video I mean shes been a praised artist for more than 20 years

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    They're nothing like Joni Mitchell lmfao. Stop it.

    I know black women who admire Fiona and love the album too.

    So there's no female artist that has ever screamed on a track before my g?

    There's no female artist that has ever played the piano in a heavy way and sung maybe not on key but still sung with so much emotion you could hear it in her soul my g?

    There's no female artist that has ever used their voice like it's own instrument before my g?

    That's just wild you said shorty INVENTED A NEW GENRE bro.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Fantano still living rent free ? I'll take it further and say that I wasn't that into the fiona apple album when I first heard it either, nothing about her work speaks to me personally tbh.

    That’s fine. American Gangster Rap doesn’t speak to me on a whole but I wouldn’t use my inability to connect with the music personally as a basis of my critique. I’d instead pick up on general themes that are applicable to any context.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    who has more influence

    fantano or pitchfork

  • it's just 2020, literally no idea's original my g.

    shoutout to nas

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply
    mr ramrod

    who has more influence

    fantano or pitchfork

    Pitchfork, of course.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    3 replies

    Idk I havent watched the review and I didnt listen to the album yet, but the Fntano hate seems as unreasonable as always lol

    It's mostly cause he brushed off the criticism with a sexist take a chill pill type attitude and posted a bunch of Karen memes referring to it, and called one of the comments a "white feminist novel", which was written by a black girl

  • Apr 25, 2020

    Y’all are thinking too hard about this lol he’s just being a contrarian

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    It's mostly cause he brushed off the criticism with a sexist take a chill pill type attitude and posted a bunch of Karen memes referring to it, and called one of the comments a "white feminist novel", which was written by a black girl

    except you can absolutely type something "white" and it can be from a black person my g

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    im telling you breh just can't review an album that's done by a shorty (unless she's a nigga of course, than it's all fair game right? LMAO)

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