Persona 3, 4 and 5 have perfect ost tbh
They really elevate the games and the inmersion on the world
Any KH fans on KTT? I guess series is a bit bunk now with 3 being a bit wack.
GOAT franchise and have produced some of the most legendary songs on videogame history
GOAT franchise and have produced some of the most legendary songs on videogame history
Not wrong.
Loved both but honestly Automata's soundtrack >
automata was the peak of video game soundtrack to me until i heard the prologue theme in replicant s*** put in a trance
Some personal favorites
!!! goated af.
Some personal favorites
!!! what they did with Besaid in the second game.
No real theme here, just vibes
some absolute bangers on this.
You mess around with the final patch at all? They made Gill scary now
Liked what they did with Besaid in the second game.
Need to get around to play X-2 but i dig this
Final Fantasy X best ff btw
Need to get around to play X-2 but i dig this
Final Fantasy X best ff btw
Very hard opinion to argue with tbh. I like 13 series, 10 series. 7 and its remake. Tactics games. 8 to a degree and 12 to a degree. Need to replay 9 for an opinion and I played 4 but don't remember. Didn't like 15 but might try again.
Xenoblade goated af.
On god, the soundtrack is honestly flawless
Exploring and hearing bangers like this, Gaur Plains, Eryth Sea... I would explore for hours
On god, the soundtrack is honestly flawless
Exploring and hearing bangers like this, Gaur Plains, Eryth Sea... I would explore for hours
Trust, so so good.
Very hard opinion to argue with tbh. I like 13 series, 10 series. 7 and its remake. Tactics games. 8 to a degree and 12 to a degree. Need to replay 9 for an opinion and I played 4 but don't remember. Didn't like 15 but might try again.
Havent had the opportunity till recently to play the later ff so im sure my ranking bout to change, but my top 3 is X, VI and VII
V is underrated as hell tho, very fun experience
Havent had the opportunity till recently to play the later ff so im sure my ranking bout to change, but my top 3 is X, VI and VII
V is underrated as hell tho, very fun experience
I played Phantasy Star, especially 4. I was sega fanboy until playstation so I refused to jump ship even though I had N64, go figure but by then it was already on playstation. XD