You mess around with the final patch at all? They made Gill scary now
u know it lol that v-skill 1 buff is a game changer fr
that karin nerf got me cheesing like a mf
That sonic song sound suspiciously like this? Like a bit anyway.
legit good connection
Hideki Naganuma (Jet Set Radio composer) loves to sample/interpolate so he mightve actually referenced or used this
you're unlocking memories i didn't know i had man the PS1 was goated.
all the mirror matches you would have to do to know what cards could be fusion'ed together
Don’t think I have
check it out for DKC/DKC2 OST
on the original SNES cartridge, the music was very compressed obviously, because cartridges at the time couldn’t hold CDQ audio
some resourceful person found the original instrumental soundbanks used on the e-keyboards used to compose and transferred in the midi data from the games to make a restored “studio” version
check it out for DKC/DKC2 OST
on the original SNES cartridge, the music was very compressed obviously, because cartridges at the time couldn’t hold CDQ audio
some resourceful person found the original instrumental soundbanks used on the e-keyboards used to compose and transferred in the midi data from the games to make a restored “studio” version
Kanye was mart af when he thought about turbo grafx 16
And then dumb af when he scrapped it
you're unlocking memories i didn't know i had man the PS1 was goated.
all the mirror matches you would have to do to know what cards could be fusion'ed together
Damn right man, fuse a b**** with a rock that’s mystical sand. Fire and a that’s flame Cerberus.